
The Kingdom of God will have no peace until justice is established. When Jesus is worshipped as the image of the Beast, Babylon unmasks herself. The prophets preach peace and the  Pharisees of today have taken up the name of Jesus but it is the same false gods that the Israelites worshipped in the day of Elijah. These new Christian forces of Ahab are in political power now and a man that some think is too stupid to be the Antichrist has killed 100,000 Iraqis as punishment for Saddam Hussein and 9/11, in the name of peace. As the true prophets of the Lord stand up to denounce this new generation of vipers, release is brought to the captives. Free from disturbance and conflict is the aspiration of us all. To be at peace is to be calm and serene. A. Kempis: "And therefore there is no peace in the heart of a man who is carnal, nor in him who is given up to the things that are without him, but only in him who is fervent towards God and living the life of the spirit. Many a time I have said to you, and now say again, Give yourself up, resign yourself, and you shall have great inward peace. Give all for all; demand nothing, ask nothing in return; stand simply and with no hesitation in Me, and you shall possess Me."

Nuclear weaponry has drastically changed the nature of warfare, and the arms race poses a threat to human life and human civilization which is without precedent. Peace is the fruit of order and this peace will only be achieved fully in the kingdom of God of the future but do not be deceived, there is also the present kingdom.
For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. For he that in these things serves Christ is acceptable to God, and approved of men. Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another.
A theology of peace should ground the task of peacemaking solidly in the Biblical vision of the kingdom of God, then place it centrally in the ministry of the church.

Jesus is the Prince of Peace, the author of peace, the Lord of peace, He is our peace. If He is truly in our hearts, perfect peace will begin there and branch out to others. The scriptures point to eschatological peace, a final, full realization of God's salvation when all creation will be made whole. To achieve this ideal, we must first go through those trials and tribulations that are a necessary step to peace, that means that there are times throughout history and in our own lives when peace is taken away. The Anti-Christ through peace will destroy many and when the time comes that the world thinks that they are in peace and safety, sudden destruction shall come.

Look within your heart, if you think that you are truly at peace, have all you need and there is no realization of the problems of this world to disturb you enough to act, to me it means the devil does not care about you and already has you where he wants you, he leaves you alone. When tribulation does come, you will not be hid in Christ, but laid bare and vulnerable without strength in the spirit. For those that are so deluded that they think that pacifism is evil, they will never have true peace, only smug, luke-warm contentment that refuses to act, their salvation is false. "The wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace."

Solomon the preacher wrote that there is a time for war and a time for peace. To do something to bring about the kingdom of peace takes courage but it is better than just laying around and doing nothing, waiting for the rapture. Many are doing just that, they think they are ready for Jesus' return because they are saved, but they are not ready, they are asleep and have no understanding of the way of peace. You have some understanding, dear reader or you would not have come to this page. Brown: "If you choose to work for peace in later years, you will find them leveled at you too; you will be called naive or dangerous - an appease, a coward, a traitor." We are to keep "the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace."

Justice is always the foundation of peace. In history, efforts to pursue both peace and justice are at time in tension, and the struggle for justice may threaten certain forms of peace. Peace is a gift of God, a calling and a human work, faith without works is dead, being by itself. What we need now is the inner peace that the Holy Ghost gives to give us the strength to help bring about the future peace without end. And we need the courage to stand up against those that would threaten peace. John Dewey once said, "The only way to abolish war is to make peace heroic."

Strive for that inner peace first. "Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." In the Bible, peace was a salutation along with grace - peace be unto you, peace be on this house, perfect peace, peace be multiplied. It is often still used in that sense, Shalom, for example. It is in our search for peace within that gives the spiritually minded person the motivation to act. If there is conflict with your spirit, the conflict must be resolved before inner peace is achieved, many times the Lord will use that conflict to let you know what to do, so seek after that peace. "And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."

"For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace." The Lord will give that peace unto His people and give them strength to preach the gospel of grace and peace. Stand together on this, we have been called to peace, those in the spirit who love have peace, and Jesus will not leave us alone if our minds are stayed on Him and we earnestly desire to be sealed. To achieve that ultimate peace, we must denounce the conflicts, the oppression, the injustices in the world and we must pray for the courage to act.

How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!