Recent Ramblings

I am listening to the Lord. I may not always hear Him right or do the right thing but I am always trying to incline my ear, listen and bear witness. I heard the prophets speak of a paradigm shift, the re alignment of ministries coming, the call to prayer, the birthing of an army and visions of the remnant. I heard promises of preparation and empowerment, of blowing a trumpet and sounding the alarm. The promises include both men and women, young and old, not of big names but of common people being given the mandate of harvest with Spiritual power. And then I heard nothing. It was sudden and profound. I heard some good teaching and correct interpretations, I heard many that purport to speak in His name, but of His voice - silence. After that time and just as sudden, I saw spirits of the flesh attacking me. I noticed division in the Body raring up against me with accusations, shouting and hatred for God's end-time people. God started showing me areas in my own life that need to be dealt with and put away. He showed me others in the ministry that would not listen that I must separate from. He then sent me encouragement, peace and comfort for the doubt and frustrations I had been feeling, and then the Lord spoke - a lot. He spoke of a new day, a threshold of change. He spoke of all of us loving each other in a new way, one that tears down the walls of division and accepting our brothers and sisters by looking at their hearts the way that He does. We hear from Him of repentance from church leaders and repentance of entire nations for grievous sins. We are close to the wedding feast now; we are to move into this change. The Lord told us that we have been perfected for war. Not the war that others are waging that stain their spiritual swords with the blood of the saints but of Spiritual warfare that will bring down spiritual strongholds and usher in a new day.

Jesus promised that the latter house will be greater than the former. The former house is the Early Church that we are to be restored to and according to His promise, the restoration of the "Temple made without hands;" the Lord has allowed us to build and it will certainly be built. Jesus is the Master Builder and the cornerstone; the apostles and prophets are the foundation and we are the workers. If He will not use you, He will use others but it will be built and the Church will be restored to its former virtue. The Old Testament history of the restoration of the Temple at Jerusalem is given as an example, a blueprint and a plumb line. The Scriptures are clear that there will be those that will hinder the remnant in its re-building and we must pray that there are no mistakes in the construction. Satan and his allies care not for present truth but only to dredge up the past, judge and condemn us. The more that God speaks through us, the more that we will be called false prophets and the more we speak with authority, the more we will be thought of as pretentious. We are rising up and measuring the temple and the worshipers, but not those without. We must be workmen worthy of eternal life and not let hateful people and prideful pastors frighten and spoil it for us. I want to encourage you, stay strong, we must not fear the giants in the land. Many of us are about to enter into much trial and tribulation for the purpose of sifting. The enemies of restoration and the powers that be are formed against us but have no power over you unless you give it to them. You know that Jesus has already given us the victory, the war has already been won, believe it and act upon it. We are the remnant chosen to bring the completion. We are made up in the Spirit to bring about the restoration of all things. As the Temple of Jesus' physical body rose again on the third day, so have we entered a third millennial day where the Temple of the Body of Christ shall also be raised. The King James Bible speaks of the restoration as restitution, which is the act of returning something to its rightful owner. In our case it is we the Church being restored in unity, to the leadership and authority of Jesus Christ. We are the living stones of the restored Temple if you are among the remnant chosen to bring these things to pass. The world and the flesh have had the controlling interest of Christendom long enough. Just as Elijah came in the person of John the Baptist, so also shall an Elijah generation come as a forerunner to the second coming of the Lord with a double portion to denounce that Jezebel spirit.

We may draw many correct inferences in these last days by comparing what has been given as examples to us in Bible history. Jesus has promised to come again in power and glory and we are part of that process. Jesus in a very unquestionable sense began that restitution in His sinless life being given as a ransom for all, as Paul wrote in I Timothy 2:6, that ransom was "to be testified in due time." Jesus also mentioned that there would be some that will not taste of death before they see the Kingdom of God and we understand this to mean that we may enter into the Kingdom of eternal life right now. Jesus is in our hearts and we are able to walk in His footsteps and He is able to live His sinless life through us. Just as there is a Sabbath rest for God, so shall we see a Sabbath rest for us in this seventh millennial day.

Can we understand the Revelation? Can we have enough wisdom to unravel the mysteries? We have Paul himself in his prayer to the Church at Ephesus praying to them and to you that we: "Cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers; that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him. The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, and what the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints. And what is the exceeding greatness of His power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of His mighty power." Ephesians 1:16-19. So open your Bible and your heart and have faith to know that God's Word will never disappoint you or fail you. Find out what your calling is, hope for it, accept that wisdom and understanding, pray for it and claim the inheritance, it is yours to have. The Book of Revelation is God's truth for these last days. It is not sealed but rather the unveiling of Jesus Christ, His purpose, His power and His ultimate plan for "the time is at hand."

Zec 10:1. "Ask the Lord for rain in the time of the latter rain."

Love in Jesus, Jay Atkinson

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