
Schopenhauer: "We must set limits to our wishes, curb our desires moderate our anger, always remembering that an individual can attain only an infinitesimal share in anything that is worth having; and the, on the other hand, every one must incur many of the ills of life; in a word, we must bear and forbear, and if we fail to observe this rule, no position of wealth or power will prevent us from feeling wretched. Paul wrote to the Philippians to "Let your moderation be know to all men. The Lord is at hand." If that is so, that the Lord is at hand, it is more true today than it was when Paul wrote about moderation. I don't get this at all. Moderation is certainly a virtue, it would be wrong to take an extremist position on things but this is too vague for me. I will have to come back to it later.

Avoidance of extremes of opinion, feeling, or personal conduct : measure, moderateness, temperance.