The Arena borrowed the red, white and blue from America and employed a Madison Avenue advertising agency for propaganda. They are most noted for the murderous campaigns against Roman Catholic priests and nuns and the freedom fighters in El Salvador striving for land reform and justice for the poor.
Votor records show in 2003 that there were several parties in El Salvador with no majority and two parties casting about a third each of the votes, Arena and the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front with the edge, the Christian Democratic Party, back in third. Arena candidate for President, Tony Saca, won in 2004.
The results of the Arena victories in El Salvador are obvious. A market economy based upon the dollar has impoverished even more, one of the hemispheres poorest economies. Violent crime is rampant, health and human services has suffered to the point that the church cannot keep up with it.
Arena is the right-wing National Republican Alliance, a Salvadoran political party. Backed by the Unted States, the Arena are the ones related to the death squads that were funded by the United States during the last few Republican administrations.