Five-Fold Today - The Davidic Order - Power Struggle - Faith & Presumption - Is Christ Divided? - Forgive Your Shepherds - Higher Ground - Listen, My Children - The Self-effacing Saint

July 30, 2003

The Davidic Order

Rosemary LaVigne

Some of the Father's choicest vessels are coming out of their wilderness experience leaning upon their beloved. Others are just about ready to come out and the Father is so very mindful of them as well. They too, shall come out. The army of God is forming within the hearts of those who have paid the price of allowing the Lord a clear right away in their lives. It is no longer, I, that liveth, but Christ that liveth in me. These have come to the place of ceasing from their own labors of the flesh and are learning by His grace to rest in Christ's finished work. The Order of Melchezidec is soon to arise out the ashes of the old man and come into the fullness of the glory of God that is found in the resurrection life that is in Christ Jesus. The resurrection life that is found in Jesus Christ is for everyone, every believer that will be obedient to the Father's righteous ways and have yielded to his loving hand of correction.

May those who have the ears to hear, hear His voice for He is bringing favor and showing great favor to His firstfruits in His time and rank. The time is come for the cave dwellers to come forth. There has been a change since April of 2003 and some of you know it and are experiencing it in your lives first hand. The coming forth of these cave dwellers will not be in the way that some have thought. What the Father is doing is progressive and not noticed by most because it is spiritual and has nothing to do with carnal religious enterprizes.

These will and are being sent among the ordinary people of the world and those in need are put into their path. Remember someone is always praying for the laborers to go into the fields...We are those laborers that are ordained by the Father's divine appointments to minister to those who have a need to come closer to Him and those who are in need of encouragemnt, healing, deliverance and whatever. People sent to lead the way that is right. Likened to the forerunner ministry of John the Baptist and in the spirit of the Old Testament prophet Elijah. These wise counselors that have the Father's heart will walk and be sent among many on a daily basis. The divine appointments are already arranged. These are a people willing and ready to give an account of what they believe and to point the people to the Son, lifting up Jesus Christ where ever they go.. Men will know that these are not of the ordinary for they will recognize that they are of another world and another Father, the Mighty God and Father of Jesus Christ. The Father's sons and daugthers who will reflect the light of the Son in a world of great darkness.

Power Struggle

Denise D Lagrimas

For weeks I have been hearing the words "Power Struggle" and as I watched circumstances and events taking place around me I was certain that we had been in a power struggle and to be honest all I could see was the enemy hard at work. Then one night as I came home exhausted after a service I heard it again "Power Struggle" and I said "yes Lord I know there is a power struggle going on and He said "NO LISTEN TO ME There is a power struggle and it has nothing to do with your enemy."

I then became attentive to listen closer.

"My people are struggling with the power I have given them. The power inside of them. They do not understand the magnitude of this power, some don't feel worthy of the power, and some doubt the power, some just think the power is to be used only in the church assembly. The power that I have given has come through MY Son JESUS and His resurrection and that power is not a gift it is a manifestation of the life of Jesus in you. If you continue to struggle with the power within you then you become as a doubter and a deny-er of My Word. Those who live by the Spirit will operate in the spirit."

I understood that I needed to know more about this power. I have often heard messages of the Power of God and have seen it in operation especially in my own life when it came to deliverance and healing from bondages from the past, yet, I still felt like I was missing something. It soon hit me. The Holy Spirit is in operation within me and I am not allowing Him to have control. Oh it's easy to release control in the things like keeping me from temptation or sharing the salvation message with inmates and young people but when it comes to exhibiting the power in manifestation then that is different because I am no Benny Hinn or Kathryn Kuhlman yet God said I have the same Holy Spirit so why am I limiting him?

The scriptures say in Acts 1:8 "but you will receive power from on high when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem and in Judea, Samaria and even to the remotest part of the earth." If we have the Holy Spirit we have received the power!!!

When Jesus defeated death by way of the cross He unleashed awesome power to all of creation. Phil 3:10 "That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings being conformed to His death." We receive this resurrection power the moment we step into our rightful place of inheritance through salvation. When Jesus was silent while being beaten, ridiculed, mocked and mistreated His silence unleashed unshakable power that broke the back of powerlessness in Gods creation Isaiah 53:7says "He was oppressed and He was afflicted yet He did not open his mouth; Like a lamb that is led to slaughter and like a sheep that is silent before its shearers so He did not open His mouth." When yiu choose to open not your mouth in tough situations you exhibit power. Your silence has power over the enemy, over powerlessness.

When Jesus forgave those who did such things, that forgiveness produced power beyond comprehension in a measure that defeated all deception. Matt. 9:6 "But so that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins then He said to the paralytic "Get up pick up your bed and go home." Then He tells us in John 20:23 "If you forgive the sins of any, their sins have been forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any they have been retained. We must know and note the power of forgiveness.

Yes though our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers against rulers in heavenly places our weapon is The Power within us The Holy Spirit alive and present. Christ alone has defeated the enemy and WE WIN!! Along with the power over the enemy He gave us power to heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the leper, open blind eyes, and preach the Gospel with Power. He said everything that He had done would be nothing compared to what we could do "greater works shall you do because I go the Father" Looking at His works can definitely cause one to struggle with our power but our promise is He died that we may live and was resurrected so that we might also be resurrected with Him and The Holy Spirit would be active and acting in our lives. We are in such a prophetic time period when God is speaking through anointed prophets and giving His body encouragement and words of strength especially since perilous times are ahead, at the same time the enemy has a parallel plan to pervert the prophetic voice through selfishness and pride. " Through the Pride of Life, tickling ears and idol worship" We know we are to be careful what we hear and receive and we are also told not to judge harshly the prophetic voice unless it is proven deceitful. Today many go around saying "Thus Sayeth The Lord" and to be honest it frightens me because I hold the Word of the Lord so Holy and I never want to say "Thus sayeth" unless "He really sayeth." In Psalm 101:7 says, "He who practices deceit shall not dwell within My house and he who speaks falsehood shall not maintain his position before Me." So speaking for the Lord when it is not the Lord is asking for trouble. This is where that power of The Word comes in. We have the power of the Holy Spirit in operation in us, and when the prophetic voice is heard the Spirit recognizes His own. We must be so in tuned with the Holy Spirit we know and recognize His motion, His movement, His warnings and His urgings. We do not receive what He has not received no matter how much it appeals to our desire. Look for His confirmation!!! (Is. 44:26 Confirming the word of His servant and performing the purpose of His messengers.) Recognize and know the power.

Do not struggle with the power within you. Let that power flow from you and release it to this lost and dying world.

Again let me recap some of our most vital power sources

  1. Power of Prayer & Fasting
  2. Power of The Word
  3. Power of Silence
  4. Power of the Gospel - witness
  5. Power over death – raise the dead
  6. Power to heal the sick,
  7. Power to cast out demons
  8. Power to forgive
  9. Power of the Resurrection
  10. Power of Blessing – through tithing, giving & sharing. (A simple "God bless you" has power)
    Power to Speak the oracles of God, when God given.

    Faith & Presumption

    Chimezie Onyebilama

    By faith Moses' parents hid him for three months after he was born…and they were not afraid of the king's edict. Heb 11: 23

    It was not fear that made Moses’ parents hide him. It was faith. Discretion is not inconsistent with faith. We need to know the balance between leaving everything in the hands of the Lord and our responsibility to act wisely as led by God.

    In John 8 :59 when we are told “At this, they picked up stones to stone him, but Jesus hid himself, slipping away from the temple grounds.” It doesn’t mean the Lord was acting out of fear or outside of God’s will. No, he was in the will of God and acting by faith. But even as much as he was ready to face the crowd trusting God he was also ready to hid (as God leads) trusting God.

    It takes spiritual maturity not to mistake presumption for faith. Faith has nothing to do with natural boldness or determination. Faith has its roots in God. Faith comes from hearing God speak to you. It is not a matter of determining what you believe God will do for you. Faith is simply man saying an “Amen” (by his words and actions) to that which he see God wants to do.

    Is Christ Divided?

    Francis Frangipane

    Every true Christian believes the Bible is God's sacred, eternal word. Indeed, heaven and earth will pass away, but God's word will endure forever. What was relative and powerful in the first century ought to be just as powerful today. Listen, therefore, to what Paul wrote to the Christians in Corinth:

    Now I exhort you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all agree, and there be no divisions among you, but you be made complete in the same mind and in the same judgment. For I have been informed concerning you, my brethren, by Chloe's people, that there are quarrels among you. Now I mean this, that each one of you is saying, 'I am of Paul,' and 'I of Apollos,' and 'I of Cephas,' and 'I of Christ.' Has Christ been divided?" (1 Cor 1:10-13a).

    How strange that we smugly look upon the divisions in the Corinthian church. We boldly criticize their carnality. But why was it wrong in the first century to say "I am of Paul (or Apollos)," but permissible in these last days to say, "I am of Luther or Wesley or of the Baptists or Pentecostals"?

    Again, please remember, I am not suggesting we should strive for unity with churches that do not believe in Christ, or God's word, or the Holy Spirit, or the virgin birth, or the second coming. However, I am saying that, within the sphere of the born again, living church of Jesus Christ, divisions are unbiblical and wrong.

    The apostle later continued, "For since there is jealousy and strife among you, are you not fleshly, and are you not walking like mere men?" (I Cor 3:3)

    The credibility of the church is that we are not "mere men," creatures born of women without spiritual vision or destiny. We have been born again of one Spirit from above. Within our spirits is the actual spiritual substance of Christ Himself.

    Do you not know that you are a temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?" (I Cor 3:16) We are the temple of God. Our churches, like the stones of the temple, are to be laid side-by-side, building us together . . . into a dwelling of God in the Spirit" (Eph 2:22).

    Paul went on to issue a warning which every Christian should heed. He said, "If any man destroys the temple of God, God will destroy him, for the temple of God is holy..." (I Cor 3:17).

    We have attempted to use this verse to condemn such things as cigarette smoking and sexual vices and, on an individual basis, there are obvious consequences to these sins. However, Paul is speaking here of more than the sins of excess and immoral pleasure. The apostle is warning against allowing division in the temple of God, the church. He says, "if any man destroys the temple" (through jealousy and strife), "God will destroy him." The context is plainly speaking in regard to divisions in the church!

    When pure Christianity degenerates into divided camps of ambitious people, it literally destroys the harmony, power and blessing of the "temple of God." The individual who brings or supports such carnal divisions in the church has positioned himself in a very dangerous place before God. The temple of God is holy. Our unity together is holy. Our love for one another is holy, for the Father Himself dwells in the resting place of caring attitudes and loving relationships. Collectively, we are the dwelling place of God on earth.

    The warning is severe: "If any man destroys the temple of God, God will destroy him."

    The Living God is a God of order; He will not dwell in ruins! Because He is a God of love, He will work with us to rebuild, but He will not sanction our fallen condition with power. He will not lend His credibility to our disorder.

    Forgive Your Shepherds

    Ras Robinson

    Forgive your shepherds. They have wronged you in so many ways. They did not visit nor pray for you when you were sick. And when you wandered away they did not come looking for you nor did they seek to restore you. They knew you were under attack by the enemy but they offered no deliverance. They took care of themselves but did not properly shepherd you. I am sorry. Now I am going to do two things. First and if you will allow me I will forgive those shepherds through you. In this way you will thoroughly forgive them. And then I am going to send you a good shepherd. You can trust him because he is sent by me. Be watching for him and then when he comes make sure that you properly receive and trust him. Forgive your shepherds.

    Ezekiel 34:22-23 Therefore, I will deliver My flock, and they will no longer be a prey; and I will judge between one sheep and another. Then I will set over them one shepherd, My servant David, and he will feed them; he will feed them himself and be their shepherd.

    Higher Ground

    Patsy Shelton

    I am taking My people to higher ground. For many it is time to take their next step, and it will lead to higher ground. Higher ground is where they can look back and see where they have come from, but they will also have a new perspective of where I am taking them too.

    It is a place of seeing and perceiving My Will as they have never been able to see it before. Many are coming out of a valley, where their ability to see and perceive has been hindered. They couldn't see up, but they could only see the ground and their immediate surroundings. But now they will begin to clearly see, perceive and understand where they are going.

    I am moving in a new and glorious way, and in this time, I am moving all My people along, and into the new path that I have paved for them to walk. I have given them glimpses, but now My plan and purposes will unfold like a road map.

    I am closing doors, and opening doors, that I might gently usher My people into their proper place for this season. For many this will be a time of changing directions. No the vision that I have given to them of their destiny has not changed, but it will not be attained in the way, and by the means that they had conceived in their minds that it would be fulfilled.

    Be sensitive to My Spirit as He gently, lovingly leads and guides you into the next step that will lead to the place that will catapult you upward, and into the next step of your destiny. For some there will drastic changes, and for others the changes will seem almost insignificant but, I assure whatever the movement in your life, it is ordained by Me for you.

    For some it will be taking a step, out of the natural realm into the realm of the Spirit. Many have cried out to Me for this, and they have been prepared for this place. But, at a great price, and a great cost. They have suffered much affliction, and much persecution, at the hand of their brethren, just as I did, but they are now prepared to enter into the realm of the spirit, and out of the realm of the natural mind.

    The natural mind is enmity against Me, and My Ways. There are those that have learned to lean not to their own understanding, and to them I have given revelation of heavenly things, and they will walk where angels fear to tread.

    Don't be dismayed, or concerned at all that is going on about you, because My people are moving to higher ground.

    Listen, My Children

    Yolanda Ballard

    Many of My children have been struggling so with emotions of hate and unbelief, anger, rage, and many other emotions that have even been shocking to those who have exhibited them. Yes, this is a time of My purging for I AM getting you ready for My outpouring of glory, and I need vessels that are pure made ready to carry My glory. For if My vessels have not been purified through My fire, and when I pour out My glory, these vessels can bring more harm than good. For I need vessels of honor purified through the fire, those that carry My love, grace and glory. For if My vessels portray a heart that has not been purged, then that which is in the heart will taint My work through it.

    I say to you this day to let Me expose that which has been hidden, that which has been suppressed of past hurts and bitterness. Let My fire continue to bring these things to the surface so that I can totally cleanse you of all impurities. Do not be shocked by your frustration of not knowing how to handle this process. You feel totally out of control. Nothing seems to work to alleviate you of your pain, and you have become angry with Me. Do not hide these feelings. Express them to Me so that I can heal your pain.

    For many are hurting even from past hurts from their earthly father or even husband and do not know how to open up completely to My love. You have built a fortress to try to protect yourself, but all it has done was separate yourself from Me and imprisoned yourself with your worse enemy which is yourself. Let Me heal you with My love. Let Me bring the walls down so that My power, love, and glory can flow through you to touch others who are also desperate for My healing touch and saving grace.

    So come before Me broken. Humble yourself before Me so I can lift you up. Let go of the reigns of control in your life, and give Me total control. Let go completely. Give it all to Me, and I will take over and make everything right. You are only prolonging My process, and if you would truly admit it, making a mess of your life by trying to work it out in your own strength.

    Trust in My ability and My faithfulness to transform you and give you the freedom of the abundant life you long for. Quit listening to the lies of the enemy. Cast down vain imaginations that exalt themselves over the knowledge of your God. Stand on My word and My faithfulness, and I will bring you through. For I AM the Lord God Almighty, and I reign in you for you are Mine, and I love you and will never leave you to the end of time. And we will be together for all eternity. The suffering you face this day will never compare to what I have in store for you for I have blessings beyond measure in your present life and even in your heavenly inheritance.

    Seek ye first My kingdom and My righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you. Give no thought for tomorrow for I will provide all your needs according to My riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Look only to Me the author and finisher of your faith. With this in mind, I say rejoice for I have overcome all things, and the enemy is under your feet. Soar high above all powers and principalities for you are positioned with Me at the right hand of the Father. I have given you My authority and My name, My victory, and My all. Stand in Me complete, says your God.

    The Self-effacing Saint

    A. W. Tozer

    For I have no one like-minded, who will sincerely care for your state. For all seek their own, not the things which are of Christ Jesus. --Philippians 2:20,21

    In this day when shimmering personalities carry on the Lord's work after the methods of the entertainment world it is refreshing to associate for a moment even in the pages of a book with a sincere and humble man who keeps his own personality out of sight and places the emphasis upon the inworking of God. It is our belief that the evangelical movement will continue to drift farther and farther from the New Testament position unless its leadership passes from the modern religious star to the self-effacing saint who asks for no praise and seeks no place, happy only when the glory is attributed to God and himself forgotten....

    Within the last quarter of a century we have actually seen a major shift in the beliefs and practices of the evangelical wing of the church so radical as to amount to a complete sellout; and all this behind the cloak of fervent orthodoxy. With Bibles under their arms and bundles of tracts in their pockets, religious persons now meet to carry on "services" so carnal, so pagan, that they can hardly be distinguished from the old vaudeville shows of earlier days. And for a preacher or a writer to challenge this heresy is to invite ridicule and abuse from every quarter.

    Our only hope is that renewed spiritual pressure will be exerted increasingly by self-effacing and courageous men who desire nothing but the glory of God and the purity of the church. May God send us many of them. They are long overdue. Of God and Men, 16-18.

    "Lord, forgive me for my pride. Give me the humble spirit of the self-effacing saint. Amen."
    Read "Insight for Leaders" online at:

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