Sharing Leadership and Authority

June 5, 2000

Wow, to be truly in harmony in what we believe is really a great feeling. We do have the authority of Jesus but the problem of authority in the church can lead people down the wrong path if it used in the wrong way or used with pride and out of step with the Lord. Knowing the pitfalls of false authority can help us to recognize how the leadership of Jesus should be in all that we do.

We all know of apostles and prophets and pastors that take authority and use it from pride and control. I get e-mail all too frequently of those that believe that they are one of the two witnesses and want me to cave in under their authority. The restoration of the temple includes the rebuilding of the walls of the New Jerusalem and I have seen pretended watchmen of the walls that think they have a ministry of tearing us down instead of building up. We have even seen in this group where prophets have had that prideful attitude of since the Lord speaks to them, whatever they say is of the Lord and we must heed what they say. It cannot be stressed enough that we are to submit to the authority of each other as long as we are truly of the Lord and others are doing the same but it has to be done in all humility. It is the weak that will be led away captive and submit to the authority of fleshly leadership just because they think that others are in a position of authority over them and they are in the position of submission. For those that would have us agree when they cannot agree with others in the Lord around them are just exposing themselves to be of pride and of an unsubmissive spirit themselves to the Lord and to the rest of His body. Be strong in the spirit, accept the authority yourselves and submit one to another. We are not to follow the goats but be among the sheep yet constantly aware of the wolves among us in sheep's clothing that would seek to devour us.

This present discussion started with the role of apostles and in response to the idea that the apostles in the church are in a governing situation or as chiefs in the five-fold. This is a point that I rejected and even though the apostles are considered first in the list of spiritual gifts, this does not make them any more than any other gifted persons in the body or others to be of any less importance or have less authority. Jesus' words have not changed, it is still He that does His work through us, we are still to deny ourselves and allow Jesus to live through us and it is still the least among us that will be the greatest.

This time, I would like to repeat the outstanding points that you have contributed in this discussion of authority. Leadership in the church other than Jesus seems to be a separate issue and one that we may have to deal with a little more. I like the idea that seems to be coming through with the shared leadership, leading each other into the deeper things of God as we continue to follow Jesus. Or, we can leave that as it is and get into the role of a prophet today. Whatever the Lord puts on your heart, we will pursue.

The following are of the most recent submissions and I have even gone back some to the pecking order and fleshly leadership issue that we discussed earlier. Give Jesus a hand clap - and as His body, give yourselves one as well, this next part is all yours.


How many people with a servant's heart have been trampled upon because someone in supposed authority who had never performed the particular task thought it ought to be done their way?... Does this make the apostle superior to the pastor?... no, just a different gifting and function. Does this give the apostle greater authority with the people than the pastor has? ... Yes, we all need accountability relationships.. yes, we must submit ourselves one to another; however, if someone insists that you submit to them outside the areas of their FUNCTIONAL responsibility, then I say beware... So, who's the boss?... Jesus Christ; He must receive the pre-eminence in ALL things. From there, we submit to each other recognizing the gifting and ministry of Christ through each other.

He made no distinction between which was greater or which has more authority. Still, they ALL play a role in the edifying of the church. Each one has its own distinctive responsibilities, but neither is greater than the other. We are to submit to them in God's love and vice versa. Otherwise, there would be (as there is now) massive confusion in the church... That is why we must continually lift us prayers for the leadership. Because if the head is sick, the whole body will be. And if we pray for a mass of already wounded people to rush into the church without sincere and Godly leadership, then they will be even more wounded and oppressed.

Questioning authority, and leadership is a subject that needs to be addressed, if one does not have a problem with it then one could possibly be led by anyone or anything. Pray for one another brothers and sisters, unity scares the enemy.

As we strive for Unity In Christ, with His Leadership, we will arrive at the point where He desires to bring us. Continue to promote the Unity of the Body of Christ and He will continue to bless.

We must understand that authority is not lordship over the flock, but influence in that righteous walk with Christ...The Apostle Paul, for example, had a certain authority over the Churches he helped start. He was their overseer, yet he never "bossed" them around, being always mindful of their Bishops and Pastors (Elders). There was a certain amount of reverent respect for the men of God appointed to leadership. We need that in the Church today.

Thus, the church's destiny is clearly seen from the church's purpose...Dominion... At His command, He is the one whom brings to pass his ultimate and sovereign will in the earth, and He is the one whom will bring to an end the injustices of our society through a people prepared for Him. For in this very hour, the clock is ticking "Kingdom, Dominion, Rule, Reign, and Lordship!" ... But the people that know their God shall be strong, and do exploits... The rule and reign of the Lord among the earth, is God's governmental order. It is His government versus that of this world. It is His good pleasure, His way of doing things. So, let us rejoice in the truth that the increase of his government reshapes the world we live in, and subdues it with ultimate kingdom, and ultimate purpose.

Another example of roots and fruits has to do with the Headship and Preeminence of Christ. For we are not only the body of Christ, but Christ the body. Everything in the Christ is to be found in his body. Unfortunately, we have substituted our Lord's headship for denominations which are birthed out of carnality...

And whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be the servant of all. For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and give his life a ransom for many.

Those who have the greatest authority in the kingdom will be the ones serving the most people. We do not see this today. We see people attempting to gain a false authority that really puts them in a position to be served by the most and be recognized by the most. When the true apostles are raised up, you will see men who are absolutely sold out to the concept of servanthood and being poured out upon their brothers and sisters.

Leader, it is not enough to know the "how-to's" of ministry. We must be be passionate for His Presence. We must make room for Him; in fact, so much room that there is no longer any room for us... We have created atmospheres for man, but where is the one that will create the atmosphere for HIM? What IF leaders got hungry... Leadership is action, not position... It is time to move into My vision for the House. No longer will you be bound by other's expectations, but you will move to meet Me, says the Lord. Deal with this in a different way for relationships change, says the Lord... So now, follow, says the Lord and I will be with you!

In the first century, no Christian would dare take the position or title of sole ruler, overseer, or pastor of the church... The New Testament provides a consistent example of shared leadership as the ideal structure of leadership in a congregation where love, humility, and servanthood are paramount... There is only one flock and one Pastor (John 10: 16) one body and one Head (Col. 1: 18) one holy priesthood and one great High Priest (Heb. 4:14ff.) one brotherhood and one Elder Brother (Rom. 8:29) one building and one Cornerstone (I Peter 2:5ff.)... If we have the worldıs mentality of wanting the foremost place, we are not qualified for Christian leadership. This mentality can lift us into ecclesiastical leadership or fit us for being a big name among men, but it unfits us for real spiritual leadership... But do not be called Rabbi for One is your Teacher, and you are all brothers... I believe that churches today desperately need a revival of love, humility, and the servant spirit. Such a revival must begin with our leaders, and biblical eldership provides the structure through which leaders learn to work together in mutual love and humility.

Why do so many want there own piece of turf... their own bunch of sheep to "rule righteously" over? maybe they want a "place"...a "position"....throw in ten sheckels and a shirt and many will sell GOD out in a minute.

Too long the "ministers" have demanded to have praises sung to them as if they were to be anything but a servant to the people. This is an abomination what these false apostles and prophets have done to the body of Christ.

For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.

On the question of leadership you are absolutely right, in my opinion, to be entirely focussed on Jesus... There is however a danger that those given powerful ministries may consider the ministry itself as more important than the Lord and this is where discernment and humility is called for.

The Lord has plainly told me the following, among many other things: "I have called you to be a leader...

Just because someone is called a leader in the Church does not take anything away from Christ being the Head or Leader in the Church. A worship leader is called that because his/her responsibility is to lead people into the true worship of God. That is not taking away anything from Christ as being the Leader of the Church... I will have a submissive attitude to all, but I will not subject myself to all. There are those who have a counterfeit spiritual authority and I will not submit to them for even one hour! Just because someone does not state something in the same manner in which we do does not mean they are in error... The term "leader" simply defines a God-given responsibility. That responsibility is to lead all to a total dependence upon Christ as the Vine...

I would encourage you to be careful not to be distracted by a person's title, but to discern what spirit they are of.

The true disciple does not revel in his position, neither does he find pleasure at the precipice of failure. But His passion to be obedient to Him who has washed him, moves him beyond the human safety zone and into the realm of all-God where He moves freely through the lives of those yielded to Him at any cost. Here Lordship takes on new meaning. For here, your Lord does His work within you, in spite of your doctrine, in spite of your traditions, in spite of your past, in spite of your fears.

I have really prayed about this and felt the Lord showed me that HIS authority is not at all like the world's. It is love, and truth, and "servanthood"....that HE never sought to "rule over" any person and came to free us from such a terrible lie that has been foisted upon us by the enemy.

Jesus must at all times be our leader, for he has told us that without me, ye can do nothing.

I have been put out of 2 churches, because I stood on the truth that Jesus was the only leader.

And when we put our trust in them instead of in GOD to work THROUGH them, we have missed the mark and given glory to the creation rather than the Creator. We have reversed the order that God has set. I personally have been asked to leave a church that I belonged to for over 3 years because I believed this simple truth. My pastor wanted myself and others to follow him, in spite of what the Word said and what God had revealed to many of us.

Jesus Is our Authority.!!!!!!! We are to follow HIM and not a "leader." We are to "lead each other" into a fuller relationship with Christ!!!

Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.

True power comes from God. No one can have any power unless God gives it to them... True leadership comes from following... I feel sorry that for people who want to rule. They are the ones who have set themselves to fall.

Those who are truly great among us will take the "place" of "least" and will not exalt themselves. It is the Lord's job to exalt us. If we do HIS of exalting ourselves, then HE will do OURS and humble us. So, if you are wise, humble yourself, take the lowest seat, the lowest place and make yourself least.

We are all in agreement that ONLY Jesus is the leader in every Christian's life. Jesus is the leader anywhere and anytime we meet for collective worship.

Jesus, our leader, and why call ye me Lord, Lord, and do not the things I say.

There is no place to compete when we truly love one another, no rivalry, no positioning or grasping, no "power" to have over another, no desire to possess, control or exploit those we love. We only want what is best for them, what is their highest good, and we want to bless and protect and enable them to be their best, that is the heart of a true Father towards ALL his children, not only the older ones. We are to assume the position of the younger brother, who recognizes his true condition and runs to his father in humility, brokenness, real repentance, and asks to be "allowed" to serve in his father's house. If your pastor, prophet or apostle is in any way demanding your submission, allegiance or support, requiring or reminding you of YOUR need to SUBMIT TO HIM, chances are he is not following the same VOICE that you are, the voice of JESUS.

If we follow Him, we too must go the way of self-sacrifice... We as Christ's disciples are willing to sacrifice anything but ourselves; and for this reason the world has not yet felt the full impact of the gospel... The call to follow Jesus needs to be spread abroad. Through our sacrifice, others can live. It is not the strong and powerful whom God will use to change society; it is the lowly and meek.

"Once a day I look up and scream. "I AM NOTHING!" It will always be this way until He comes to set up His government.

Jay, the Lord led me on a study of the issue of "submission to authority" also. I think it also ties into esteeming the other as "better or higher" than yourself. Mutual respect. Each of us has been given a particular function in the body of Christ. If I am "called " to be the teacher or whatever of a given meeting then those at the meeting "respect" that "authority."..However I am to respect that which God has called all others in that room to do. This is where the "church" (organization) has it out of line. The "pastor" is put on a pedestal and given "all authority" over his "flock"..for this reason all in the flock do not come to the fullness of the call put into their lives by the Lord., because they are so busy 'submitting" to that shepherd.

I agree..Jesus Is our Authority.!!!!!!! We are to follow HIM and not a "leader." We are to "lead each other" into a fuller relationship with Christ!!!

Hope I made sense...:) Becky

Brother Jay,
Bless you for your response. We are all in agreement that ONLY Jesus is the leader in every Christian's life. Jesus is the leader anywhere and anytime we meet for collective worship. Praise God, I am also in agreement with those who have written in to this site about being put out of churches (ditto). Remember, Jesus was put out of the synagogue too. He was the true leader, but they did not recognize that. He is still the true leader today, but again, many do not recognize HIm. If we can't have Jesus and the Holy Spirit running the Church, then who is? Jay, I appreciate this site. It is a sure blessing of God working through you, His servant. Thank you.
love in Jesus, Joseph

Jay, what you are doing is what I believe qualifies you to lead, in the sense that you are working behind the scenes to orchestrate and facilitate people who have the heart to serve, who desire the Will of God and to usher in the coming Kingdom. Once the Lord spoke to my heart as I was cleaning up my room and meditating on a sermon I'd heard in church from our pastor (a very humble man who is a true example of a servant-leader) Alan Poole. He was talking about the striving that went on between Jesus' apostles as to "who would be greatest among them" in HIS KINGDOM. We all know what Jesus said, how he admonished them to "make themselves least if they want to be greatest" in HIS kingdom.

Anyway, as I was praying about that, the Lord asked me clearly (in that still small voice within that we can easily recognize if we are listening to it enough) "Why do you think I want those who are greatest to make themselves least?" and I said, "I don't know, Lord. Why?" He answered me very simply, as we would a child, "Because nobody strives for the 'lowest' position or place" and it became very clear to me. There is no place to compete when we truly love one another, no rivalry, no positioning or grasping, no "power" to have over another, no desire to possess, control or exploit those we love. We only want what is best for them, what is their highest good, and we want to bless and protect and enable them to be their best, that is the heart of a true Father towards ALL his children, not only the older ones. We are to assume the position of the younger brother, who recognizes his true condition and runs to his father in humility, brokenness, real repentance, and asks to be "allowed" to serve in his father's house. If your pastor, prophet or apostle is in any way demanding your submission, allegiance or support, requiring or reminding you of YOUR need to SUBMIT TO HIM, chances are he is not following the same VOICE that you are, the voice of JESUS. As soon as somebody demands that I submit to him I start to run the other way, because that is not the Voice of the Loving Shepherd who laid down HIS life for me and came to wash my feet, not demand that I wash HIS. I do wash his feet, with my tears, with a poured out offering of my whole life. Not because HE ever demanded or even asked me to. Because of HIS great love for me, the sacrifice HE made so I could be the least in HIS KINGDOM, and that I could have a chance not only to be HIS servant but to be HIS BRIDE. With you, I acknowledge WHO I AM in HIM, who HE IS IN ME, and that is the annointing of His spirit, manifest in love and through the constant union of our minds and hearts, we will bring forth the fruit of the Kingdom, the children of God, the sons of God, others who will continue to bear the fruit of the same union. That is the ONLY desire of a true leader in the Body of Christ, to serve HIM as HE served us, in humility, in meekness and in love. Anything else is somebody's own power trip and attempt to exploit the little ones among us for their own means. Whether it be selfish gain or fame, or just a desire to control others, we can be sure those operating in such a spirit are not ordained by God or annointed to do so, and it's up to us not to allow them to continue their exploitation by our own refusal to either bow our necks, knee or hearts to ANY other God (or man) Submission to leaders is truly what you have said that we are to do, recognize each member of the Body of Christ as a part of the HEAD we are all connected to. Pray for one another, love one another, forbear and teach one another in the spirit of humility and meekness that was shown us by our Lord Jesus, God incarnate, while He was in this world.

Certainly the servant is not greater than the master. We are all one Body and we have ONE LORD and MASTER, we are all brothers and sisters, we have ONE FATHER which is in heaven. I believe that's the message we've had from the beginning. Little ones, do not be deceived. If anyone is telling us he is following Jesus and we should follow him, make sure you realize where he is going and what way he is leading you, as surely there are some who are ahead of us in this army we are all called to be part of. We are marching on, soldiers of the cross, onward, upward and forward, ever storming the gates of hell. Be sure your backs are covered, those on the front lines are those who are taking the blows and are protecting you, so you who are behind will once be in front, as new soldiers are falling in behind you. Our swords aren't given us to fight each other or to stab into the backs of the faithful in front of us, but to fight the real enemies of our souls (those things that would destroy us like pride and wrath and jealousy, strife, etc) to tear down the strongholds of the invisible forces that use us to sow discord if we allow them to. We aren't to be striving and pushing our way to the front, because we are in formation and we can't effectively fight this battle if we break ranks. Try to realize that we are all where we are placed by God, each of us will be most effective by listening closely to the marching orders we have been given by the commander and chief. Those ahead of us are the ones who are shielding us from the darts and the heat of the battle. If we can see this truth, we will not be so anxious to have to take their places as they "pass over" and we are the next to be in the same places of leadership. The front lines, especially as we are waging this war against such a foe that we have, is the most dangerous place to be in. Let's not fight each other. We are being called to fight against the forces that have so long invaded our camps. We are being called to take a sword in one hand and a trow in the other and to re-build the walls, not BETWEEN US but around us, and to learn to live in peace with each other, to maintain the unity of the spirit in the bond of love. That can't be done when there are those who strive for power and who as "elders" oppress or attempt to "force" what God HIMSELF does not attemt to do. Love and obedience are feigned if forced, but are freely given when freely received by those who are "ahead" or "above" us in the Body. Those who are truly great among us will take the "place" of "least" and will not exalt themselves. It is the Lord's job to exalt us. If we do HIS of exalting ourselves, then HE will do OURS and humble us. So, if you are wise, humble yourself, take the lowest seat, the lowest place and make yourself least. Then, you are truly great in the Kingdom of our Lord and Christ and you will rule and reign forever with HIM. Karen

Jay.. just wanted to take a moment to interject a thought...
There are those who would divide the Body of Christ, and that simply is not of God... Eph. 1:8-10 makes it so clear what is the will of God and that it "has been revealed to us".... "...That He may bring all things together into One, that is Him"....
As we strive for Unity In Christ, with His Leadership, we will arrive at the point where He desires to bring us.
Continue to promote the Unity of the Body of Christ and He will continue to bless.

Jay and all, Scripture tells us point blank that if we submit to the athority that God has placed under us, then we are submitting to Him. This is a no-brainer! If you cannot percieve this, then you really need to take a look at your hearts to see what GOd needs to work on. God will only take us as far as we will let Him. If you have a problem with athority, you will NEVER SEE REVIVAL!!! I pray God opens EVERYONE'S spiritual eyes on this. In Christ's faithful service,


Jay, Below is some scripture and the greek behind the word "submit". If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. I will say that I responded the way I did because I see some unwillingness to submission in your response. But, here is what you asked for. Enjoy! enoch777

Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.

SUBMIT gr. 5226 hupeiko {hoop-i'-ko}
from 5259 and eiko (to yield, be "weak");; v AV - submit (one's) self 1; 1 1) to resist no longer, but to give way, yield (of combatants) 2) metaph. to yield to authority and admonition, to submit

God places people over us for one reason or another. This reason may be to teach us what we will never learn on our own. Another reason may be to shepheard us. Whatever the reason may be, God is God. He has reasons for this. We may never understand why God puts certain people over us, but I have learned that sometimes we should quit trying to figure this out and SUBMIT!!! The above scripture and definition should help clarify the biblical point of submitting.

James 4:7
Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

SUBMIT gr. 5293 hupotasso {hoop-ot-as'-so} from 5259 and 5021; TDNT - 8:39,1156; v AV - put under 6, be subject unto 6, be subject to 5, submit (one's) self unto 5, submit (one's) self to 3, be in subjection unto 2, put in subjection under 1, misc 12; 40
1) to arrange under, to subordinate 2) to subject, put in subjection 3) to subject one's self, obey 4) to submit to one's control 5) to yield to one's admonition or advice 6) to obey, be subject ++++ A Greek military term meaning "to arrange [troop divisions] in a military fashion under the command of a leader". In non- military use, it was "a voluntary attitude of giving in, cooperating, assuming responsibility, and carrying a burden".

This is one of the bible's simple commands concerning submitting. This is the FIRST athority we are to submit to.

I PETER 2:13
Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme;

We are to submit to our wordly rulers, ie. bosses, government officials, and other forms of athority the Lord sees fit to place over us. They are there for a reason. But, only submit to them in a Godly manner. The Greek word for submit came from the above definition.

Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.

>From the same definition as the last two. But don't let the wording fool you. I feel that it refers to the spiritualy younger submitting to the older. We should respect our physically old, but how are we to learn from an 80 year old hwo has only been in the faith for one year? Sometimes we overlook the spiritual significance of the scriptures. But as the last portion of the verse tells us, God resists the proud. We are to submit in humility.


For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.

>From the same form as the last. This verse makes a good point towards those that haven't submitted to the righteousness of God. I am reminded of those that have fallen away from the faith (apostates). They are too proud to submit. So, they go out and make up their own right way of thinking.

Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God

>From the same definition. Get this into your spirits. God wants us to be humble to one another. Let us submit ourselves to the body in order to keep ALL of us in subjection.

There are other forms of The Hebrew and Greek for submit, but I feel that these will suffice to get my point across as to what we as Christians are supposed to do. I will elaborate on this as God leads me. If anyone has anything to add, please feel free to sent your comments.

Learning to be broken in the eyes of Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Hi Jay,

I have been quite busy lately, so have had no time to respond to the discussion. I believe we need to differentiate here the difference between the Biblical definition of terms and our own experiential definitions. What I mean by experiential definitions is the way we would define something based on our experience with it. This could cause us to react to (for example) the use of terms like "authority", "leader or leadership", "rule or rulership", etc in a manner that is contrary to Christ Jesus. In other words, one could filter things through hurt they received through those in authority and completely miss the truth!

I once read a book that was used by the "accuser of the brethren" to sow discord amongst the brethren. Well, I bought it hook, line, and sinker. >From that time forward every time that I heard a minister mention the words "prosperity" or "faith" as associated with the Faith Movement, I immediately tuned them out. This was because I took upon myself the same spirit in which the book was written. It was a critical, faultfinding, and judgmental spirit. Because of this, I spent two years struggling...going nowhere in my Christian walk. All because I filtered everything through the grid of that book!

Let us ask ourselves these questions concerning defining issues of authority, rule, leadership, and government in the Church: Are we filtering what we believe through the grid of past experience and subsequent hurts, biases, and resentments in relation to authority? Those who have been hurt by authority and are still carrying that hurt would not (often unknowingly) be comfortable with submitting to authority.

I do not believe the battle here is over whether we should follow Jesus or man. It is over differences in how we define and react to the use of terms such as authority, leadership, rule, and government! Of all the articles I read in the latest posting (some I skimmed through), I heard none promoting the idea of following a man above Jesus. Just because someone is called a leader in the Church does not take anything away from Christ being the Head or Leader in the Church. A worship leader is called that because his/her responsibility is to lead people into the true worship of God. That is not taking away anything from Christ as being the Leader of the Church. True worship leaders cause people to become dependant upon and fall in love with Jesus more and more. Such should be the nature of all true leadership in the Church. It is almost as if the terms "being under authority", "rule", "leadership", etc. are treated as cuss words in this particular discussion (that is in reference to our relationship to one another in the Church)! I have no problem with being under the authority of a pastor (a simple term that defines a responsibility) or any other of the five-fold ministries. I will have a submissive attitude to all, but I will not subject myself to all. There are those who have a counterfeit spiritual authority and I will not submit to them for even one hour!

Just because someone does not state something in the same manner in which we do does not mean they are in error. For example, Brian Tanguay stated that God told him he was a leader. Does that mean he is trying to get people to follow him instead of Christ? Absolutely Not! He is not going around telling everyone that he is their leader! The term "leader" simply defines a God-given responsibility. That responsibility is to lead all to a total dependence upon Christ as the Vine.

I think you see my point here. Furthermore, where there have been abuses, the tendency in the Church has been to over-react. This produces overkill. I have seen the good destroyed with the bad because of this. We need to be careful not to do that here. What we must do here is come to unity on the definitions of the before mentioned terms how we use them. I perceive some are giving them experiential definitions and this is causing division. I am not accusing or condemning anyone, but I do sense this in my sprit. I suggest we call a time of prayer and soul searching in the group and then continue the discussion afterward. I believe the Lord desires to heal some hearts!

Lastly, I like what the pastor we had in Ft Worth said the first meeting we attended at that church: "We do not use people to build our ministry. We use our ministry to build people." Well, that wasn't just talk because he proved it. This was so refreshing and healing because we had just experienced the opposite at the previous church we attended. Anyway, if you need me to clarify anything that I said let me know. In addition, as far as the Biblical definitions of the previously mentioned terms, I believe they have already been defined in this ongoing discussion.

Looking forward to your response.

Blessings, Gary P.

Dear Jay,
when your post came yesterday i wondered what to do. it seems that many are "looking for a place"....even now. seems BABYLON just keeps lingering on and on. THE WORD says to "COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE'' says nothing about building a NEW BABYLON once you are out. but that is what i "picked up" as i read so many of the responses in your post. why do we keep seeing JOHN and JAMES seeking places to ''sit'' in "THE KINGDOM TO COME".....and then in the next breath say "KINGDOM NOW"....built around the "IMPERIAL ME!!!".......

dead men have no long term plans. dead men have nothing to offend....nothing to gain. in my visions i see THE GOOD SHEPHERD change TO THE LAMB.... THE KING OF GLORY. why do so many want there own piece of turf.... their own bunh of sheep to "rule rightiously" over? maybe they want a "place"...a "position"....throw in ten sheckels and a shirt and many will sell GOD out in a minute..... the day your post came....was the day after i sent out BAD DECISIONS.......


>Sometimes GOD does things unexpected. i was rereading the STORY OF RUTH...which is part of the >REMEMBERANCE of SHAVUOT....THE FEAST OF WEEKS. Modern christians call it Pentacost.... and >quote Peter quoting the Prophet Joel. It sort of short changes the image we could have.

>But THE MOST HOLY SPIRIT had something else planned for me. In the last three verses of JUDGES we >have a bizarre combination of images.....

>23 And the children of Benjamin did so, and took them wives, according to their number, of them that danced, >whom they caught: and they went and returned unto their inheritance, and repaired the cities, and dwelt in >them. 24 And the children of Israel departed thence at that time, every man to his tribe and to his family, and >they went out from thence every man to his inheritance. 25 In those days there was no king in Israel: every >man did that which was right in his own eyes.

>Theoretically we have a weird downhill spiral. The tribe of Benjamin has been decemated by war with Israel >because of their sins and idolatry. They seemed to only be interested in women who danced....they caught >them and carried them away. Might seem romantic today but in reality it was kidnapping and rape. But it was >a way to rebuild the tribe and everyone "went along with it"....but then comes that last verse....25 In those days >there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes.

>Realistically the majority of the Book of Judges told us that they had been doing "what was right in their own >eyes" for one long time. So when Ruth opens it is no real revelation when we hear....

>1 Now it came to pass in the days when the judges ruled, that there was a famine in the land.

>Regretably we are seeing then what is now. Amos states it clearly. No new revelation unless we keep >reading.

>And a certain man of Bethlehemjudah went to sojourn in the country of Moab, he, and his wife, and his two >sons. 2 And the name of the man was Elimelech, and the name of his wife Naomi, and the name of his two >sons Mahlon and Chilion, Ephrathites of Bethlehemjudah. And they came into the country of Moab, and >continued there. 3 And Elimelech Naomi's husband died; and she was left, and her two sons. 4 And they took >them wives of the women of Moab; the name of the one was Orpah, and the name of the other Ruth: and they >dwelled there about ten years. 5 And Mahlon and Chilion died also both of them; and the woman was left of >her two sons and her husband.

>I had never heard anyone teach on the next two verses. But then again much what i hear from THE MOST >HOLY SPIRIT is fresh plowing. But this is indeed a warning to any with ears to hear....

>The story begins in Bethlehem of Judah where FAMINE is occuring in THE HOUSE OF BREAD. It is a clear >picture of the APOSTATE CHURCH in our midst. Take Ephesus, Pergamos, Sardis, Thyatira, and Laodicea >and roll them up together and you have todays reality. A carnal, liberal, church preacing humanism and the >doctrines of men and demons. They should be a place where THE BREAD OF LIFE IS FREELY GIVEN to all >of ABBA'S CHILDREN. Just does not happen for so many who hunger and thirst.

>Now the story begins with Elimelech and his wife Naomi. ELI MELECK means "GOD IS KING" and NAOMI >means "PLEASANT". So should it be in THE HOUSE OF BREAD, only it is not. They have two sons. >MAHLON meas sick/illness and CHILION means destruction/consumption. Imagine the FAMINE so intense >that THE KING'S KIDS are DISEASE AND DESTRUTION. It is no surprise they both die.

>Now the STORY OF RUTH begins in tragedy and ends with a KINSMAN REDEEMER that ''buys back" a >piece of land. And a PAGAN WOMAN to be his BRIDE. We all know that story and it is a great prophetic >promise we all share. But it does not negate a harsh reality that relates to the needs of today.

>1 Man is in sin.....

>2 Man runs away from where he would have been blessed if he repents and returns.....


>Man has made BAD DECISIONS since THE GARDEN. Like in Judges we have a "profesional clergy" that >sold out cheaply. The story goes...

>6 In those days there was no king in Israel, but every man did that which was right in his own eyes.

>7 And there was a young man out of Bethlehemjudah of the family of Judah, who was a Levite, and he >sojourned there. 8 And the man departed out of the city from Bethlehemjudah to sojourn where he could find a >place: and he came to mount Ephraim to the house of Micah, as he journeyed. 9 And Micah said unto him, >Whence comest thou? And he said unto him, I am a Levite of Bethlehemjudah, and I go to sojourn where I >may find a place. 10 And Micah said unto him, Dwell with me, and be unto me a father and a priest, and I will >give thee ten shekels of silver by the year, and a suit of apparel, and thy victuals. So the Levite went in. 11 >And the Levite was content to dwell with the man; and the young man was unto him as one of his sons. 12 >And Micah consecrated the Levite; and the young man became his priest, and was in the house of Micah. 13 >Then said Micah, Now know I that the LORD will do me good, seeing I have a Levite to my priest.

>So you can see Bethlehem of Judah had a problem in THE SPIRIT long before THE FAMINE was noticed in >the NATURAL. Now here is a guy both Levite and Judean. But he wanted to "find a place". He did with Micah >and Micah's IDOLS. But it says Micah "consecrated" the man. Micah figured GOD had to bless him. How he >figured that out is a mystery, but many seem to be caught up in that mindset all over modern America. Many >expect GOD to bless them even when they are refusing to obey HIS WORD. GOD says there are things HE >HATES....and rightiously curses. Yet man continues to sin and expects blessing. This could be called >"iniquity". But it could also be seen as rebellion. In the NATURAL it could be called "INSANITY". To demand >BLESSING when HIS WORD calls for repentance is exactly that, insanity.

>But will THE PRODIGAL come to his senses and return to THE FATHER'S HOUSE? In my spirit i hear two >"witnesses". Both say it is too late and i grieve.

>4 For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were >made partakers of the Holy Ghost, 5 And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to >come, 6 If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the >Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.

>1 Then said the LORD unto me, Though Moses and Samuel stood before me, yet my mind could not be >toward this people: cast them out of my sight, and let them go forth. 2 And it shall come to pass, if they say >unto thee, Whither shall we go forth? then thou shalt tell them, Thus saith the LORD; Such as are for death, to >death; and such as are for the sword, to the sword; and such as are for the famine, to the famine; and such as >are for the captivity, to the captivity.


>let those with ears to hear


JAY...forgive me, but i keep seeing the circle that this whole "discussion" keeps repeating. for all the "prophets and apostles" that are running in these ''circles'' i wonder why no one else sees it. and then "cold reality" slaps me in my face. "what was before will be again".....and i grieve.... ADANAI YHVH ELOHIM once told me long ago that i was living out the last five verses of EZEKIEL 33.... HE talked about HIS WATCHMEN.....and their watchmen.... when all these things come to pass.....hard and heavy are HIS WORDS on my spirit.

if i had never "walked" there i would not be aware of the problem. it's already been said.... i know it is a lot to read....but it all fits too tightly...... it is a time to remember....
bob neumann....called too many things.....

Friend, this is another area of interest to me. Authority is something I have seen abused by many self-proclaimed leaders in the Church. Sometimes, I think that us Christians are the biggest offenders of Biblical "Rules of Order". We must understand that authority is not lordship over the flock, but influence in that righteous walk with Christ. As I studied Paul, I see that he had prophets like Agabus, confirming his hearing. I see that prophets also were not authoritative in the new testament as they were in the OT. Their calling has not changed, but rather their "position" has changed. Don't get me wrong. The Prophet can preach, teach, evangelize, and pastor and would have authority over his flock should he pastor. Likewise the Apostle. The Apostle Paul, for example, had a certain authority over the Churches he helped start. He was their overseer, yet he never "bossed" them around, being always mindful of their Bishops and Pastors (Elders). There was a certain amount of reverent respect for the men of God appointed to leadership. We need that in the Church today. The Prophet comes under the leadership of the Church where he ministers. If the Pastor restricts him and will not hear God, then he is quenching the Spirit. If the Pastor gives him the lattitude he rightly deserves, then God will use the Prophet. Prophets are subject to one another, but then so are we. When no one is hearing from God, there is always the Prophet with a direct line of communication to the Father. Submission to him and to the Word depends on our Faith. Authority for him to speak is already given to him of God, but are we willing to hear? Praise God in the highest and Glory to His Son Jesus the Christ, our Prophet.
love in Jesus, Joseph

To Brother Jay and Others:
I find it funny and almost relieving to have received this last email. This a subject that has caused great chaos and confusion in many places and in the hearts of many people. I totally agree that Jesus is Lord and, besides Him, there is no other. That is why I am not prone to follow every new wave of doctrine that hits the street or to follow any man. Man, in a nutshell, is a spirit entrapped in flesh. In most cases, the flesh has dominion over the spirit; therefore, the person is led by it. We have wills, emotions, hang-ups, and other issues in our lives that can hinder us from understanding God's will and performing that which we know. God, His Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are not that way. They are perfect and just in all their dealings with us. They cannot err. Their very foundation is that of truth. God, who is perfect, appoints men who are imperfect to show forth His glory and to exhibit the truth that He lives and is powerful. He causes perfection to flow out of something that couldn't have possibly accomplish such things alone.

We have to understand that people (whether believers or not) are still people. And when we put our trust in them instead of in GOD to work THROUGH them, we have missed the mark and given glory to the creation rather than the Creator. We have reversed the order that God has set. I personally have been asked to leave a church that I belonged to for over 3 years because I believed this simple truth. My pastor wanted myself and others to follow him, in spite of what the Word said and what God had revealed to many of us.
We were called jealous, rebellious, witches--all of these done publically, and never asked for a private conference. I do believe that Matthew 18:15-17 sets the order in which such a situatoin should be handled. God places leaders in our midst to speak HIS word, teach HIS word, and to nurture HIS flock. God gave five gifts to the church--the apostle, the prophet, the pastor, the teacher, and the evangelist. He made no distinction between which was greater or which has more authority. Still, they ALL play a role in the edifying of the church. Each one has its own distinctive responsibilities, but neither is greater than the other. We are to submit to them in God's love and vice versa. Otherwise, there would be (as there is now) massive confusion in the church. We often give more honor or attribute more worth to a pastor than what is actually due--and I don't say this as an enraged church member, but as one who bears the truth. My husband and I are pastors! We (the leaders) are simply watchmen--stewards, if you will--and we have to be careful to exemplify good stewardship over that which God places us. If we are not careful to do that, we are held accountable for those that we have wounded. That is why we must continually lift us prayers for the leadership. Because if the head is sick, the whole body will be. And if we pray for a mass of already wounded people to rush into the church without sincere and Godly leadership, then they will be even more wounded and oppressed. God is God and He shares His glory with no one.
Let Him and the Holy Spirit lead and everything will flow in order.

Andrea Simmons

"When a servant comes in from plowing or taking care of sheep, he doesn't just sit down and eat. 8 He must first prepare his master's meal and serve him his supper before eating his own. 9 And the servant is not even thanked, because he is merely doing what he is supposed to do. 10 In the same way, when you obey me you should say, 'We are not worthy of praise. We are servants who have simply done our duty.' "
Luke 17:7-10 (NLT)

i dunno Jay this seems to sum it a ll up you're right, but I thank the Lord for those who have accepted the call and been a voice for Him before I could hear Him. My Pastor that baptised me I could't get in to talk with him in almost a year of trying though I came to church as much as he did. If I had camped out on his door like Uiah the Hitite, who knows. they are all big teaching stations the successful churches. not really the Church, but God somehow allows this now and may come into the Kingdom in this manner. We all want a shinning City on a hill. Allmust change and the new heaven and new earth must come . when I find the perfect church I will either know I'm in heaven or I should counselmyself to not join lest I foul it all up. Worshipping this past Sunday I felt the Spirit of God gently whirling around me from a breeze from and open door (yet there was no open door) and momentarily later the Pastor gently wihspered that the presence of God is is hovering around manyof you now..may he hvoer around you this evening he blessed my this afternoon in a drug store wher I bought a vegetail video for my seven year old boy that I'm raisng by myself. he is wonderful an wondrful counselor he will never leave us. for leader ship read Joshua. I met a n African man whom I consider a true apostle and has a large following in hi own country and a Church of 10,000 ( in this large congregation there are only twenty cars). He was asked how he kept humble. "Once a day I look up and scream. "I AM NOTHING!" It will always be this way until He comes to set up His government.

In Him, James Kelly

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