Five-Fold Today - The Kingdom of God has Come Nigh Upon You - How Valuable Is the Kingdom? - Pastoral Dependence/A Sign Of Disorder - The Coming Healing Revival - The Wall - When Little Python Grows Up - The Authority of God - My Strong Arms

May 16, 2001

The Kingdom of God has Come Nigh Upon You

Bill Burns

I say unto you today that the kingdom of God has come nigh unto you, for by the moving of My Spirit I have moved upon your heart, and I am calling you, calling to the depth of your heart and drawing you upward and drawing you out even as one would draw water out of a well. Such is the time that you live in. It must be that I have come to prepare you for that which is ahead. Is it not the fullness of time? Is it not the time when all things will be restored to their original pattern? If that is My will for you, and if that is the pattern I have given unto you, would you not then move up? Would you not move towards Me? Would you not make all haste to come before My throne in thanksgiving that I might impart to you the fullness of Pentecost? You yet lack the fullness of the demonstration of My Spirit.

I say that you are sons and daughters, and I call you today to manifest the precious anointing that I have poured out upon you until it becomes full. I give you this instruction: when the river begins to flow is it not a small flow? But, if you will flow with the river, will it not get deeper? And, if you will come by faith and manifest that which I have given you, will I not give you more? And, will the kingdom of God not come to a fullness? For such are the times in which you live, and I say today that even the saints in the heavenlies would be with you if they could. If they could choose to walk in your shoes, they would. They are cheering you on from heaven's balcony, and they are watching with the eyes of expectation to see the fullness of My kingdom come to pass, the restoration of all things in this day, in this hour, and I say again, this day the kingdom of God has come nigh unto you. Embrace it. Move with all haste towards the manifestation of My kingdom.

Faith Tabernacle

How Valuable Is the Kingdom?

Undrai Fizer

Out of all the things we can teach in the Body of Christ, there is one thing that cannot be taught. And that "thing" is how to discover the value of the kingdom. The value of something is determined by the person's need. Need determines value. Value and need cannot be taught, just discovered and determined.

When you are faced with a need, it is up to your present situation and understanding of purpose that will determine the things you feel you need to move forward. In other words, you must comprehend the source and fulfillment of your own needs.

When the kingdom is a priority to your need and furtherance of life, your intimacy and faith with God will take on a new meaning. It's one thing to know what you need, and another to value what you need. The kingdom will no longer become something that can be forgotten or placed on a shelf. It will no longer be one of many options that you want to be available to you.

The value of something is determined by the need (inward hunger) of the person, themselves. The value is determined by the effect it will have on the person facing the issue. Trying to understand the depths of God without first recognizing your need for Him, will birth confusion. It will create a downward spiral of disappointment.

There must first be a convincing reception of the life of God. You cannot submit to things that have no value. You will seek to control or manipulate things that may be fearful to submit to. When there is no faith in the life of God, there will be an uncertainty to release your life to Him.

You cannot go no farther in your pursuit until you are fully convinced of the kingdom's value. There are some who are more submissive to the weather than the kingdom's priority. There are those who will find ways to go to work in more worse conditions than to attend the fellowship of the believers. I say this because those who have the biggest problems in achieving the maximum success in God, usually have these hang-ups and more.

Desiring success in the life of God, without first being persuaded of His value to life, will cause "spiritual insanity." It will cause you to feel like "this thing will never work." This life will work. However, for it to work for you, there must first be a discovery of it's value. It must be and feel very important to you.

Allow the Spirit to search you to the depths. Truly look within and see where the value of the kingdom is in your life. See if the intensity to learn and grow in the kingdom "supersedes" the things you desire to do for yourself and your other desires. Next time it rains, see of you will miss work or fellowship. To those who fight "within" on your commitment to God, see if you fight with the same intensity toward your own commitments. See if you are "twisted" with decision on the inside.

The Holy Spirit is a precious Teacher. The value of God must first be embraced before you are taken on the journey of the kingdom life. You cannot move into the fullness without faith and the capacity to receive the commitment of God's vision in your life.

This is not an overnight thing. But one thing remains true. Value determines the intensity of your fight. If it is something that you truly need and recognize as a treasure to you, you will not let anything stop you from attaining it. If the kingdom of God can be manipulated by time, weather, fear or bitterness, then it will not have a positive effect with you. You will give the most time to things that are of value. You will not let the "elements" keep you from doing the will of God (I'm not talking about driving in life threatening weather. I'm speaking of when we allow the work of God to stop in weather we would normally go to work in).

The kingdom must be more to you than the misunderstanding from other people. Others should not be granted the power to stop you so easily. The joy from the kingdom should provide the power you need in the middle of accusation, rejection, and misunderstanding. Your joy should be full. Don't be quick in "giving that joy away".

The value of a thing will determine what you and I will do to obtain it. If it's not good enough to obtain, it will not be good enough to keep! To those who find God and His Life hard to "comprehend," ask yourself, "do I want His Life that bad?" See if you quit easily in things you start. Examine your diligence. Check to see if you apply the instruction you receive. See if you are a "hearer" only of the word. Examine the intensity you display in your pursuit of things that are carnal, verses the things that are godly. I believe you get the picture.

Your own life determines what you need from God. It will also determine what you give to God as well. The importance of your own survival and inner peace will determine the sources that will become so special to your life. That is the beginning of destiny's journey.

The kingdom of God is like a treasure in the field....

Undrai & Bridget Fizer

"Release to the world what God has given You!"
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Pastoral Dependence/A Sign Of Disorder

By Clay Sikes

Many of God’s people are restless for a new move of God. They dream of a Church with power, of a life of God-inspired destiny, of victory as promised in the Bible, but like so many sitting in pews from Sunday to Sunday, they are bound to one of God’s greatest enemies – Church tradition. Internet lists and worldwide discussion groups reveal that the Body as a whole suffers tremendously from this malady. Until we are structured properly with God’s appointed Church government, the desired results will not be seen or experienced. Many wonder why they feel so restless in their One-fold, Pastor-led congregations; often thinking something is wrong with them!

One-man ministries heading and administrating today’s churches and constituting much of today’s Church government are a major part of this problem. God’s plan includes using the entire five-fold ministry to equip the saints (Ephesians 4: 11-15). Anything short of that will not produce life in the hour. Pastors are a vital link to ministry and God’s order in the church; however, to continue to limit other dimensions of ministry is to continue in the man-led powerlessness that allows Goliath to continue assaulting and taunting the Church. Many in the Body today are silently challenging the role of the Pastor as the entirety of ministry. The Church cries for more of God and while we are careful not to challenge the man (Pastor), we do challenge the system (the old order).

Medically, I would not go to a foot Doctor with a heart ailment, likewise, if I need a prophetic word, I would not look to a Pastor? While not discounting the value and vital importance of the Pastor, to forego the vital importance of other ministries is to reveal the danger of tradition. Church leaders must realize the Body is still growing and attaching itself to its proper parts and still and will always need worship and other forms of ministry as an ingredient to spiritual life, especially Church life. Pastors have all too often been preoccupied with sermons for Sunday, building programs, and building ministries while leaving the purpose and intention of the Holy Spirit out completely. I, like many others, do not wish to hear sermons, but rather what the Spirit of God is saying.

Like Pharaoh, many Pastors have kept God’s people bound to the pews and constantly molded into a man inspired, one-fold, Church custom; but take heart Saints of God, our Lord has heard our cry and deliverance and order are coming forth in this hour. Some in Pastoral ranks will be open and recognize this move of God’s spirit and begin acknowledging the ministries in their midst. Many will not, preferring to continue on in what one of today’s great prophets categorizes as "the tyranny of the familiar."

True ministries are not out to rule but to serve. Who is in charge is less important than the freedom to move in God’s appointed authority and direction. True ministry can only come from having God’s authority, not trying to attain it. Many in the Body today are willing vessels with a great anointing untapped by their Pastor-leaders. The ‘old order’ binds God’s people instead of releasing them into their calling.

Clearly, the Church has operated without much power for many centuries, and this IS the hour of the prophetic and apostolic ministries, whose responsibility and God-appointed mission is clear in Ephesians 2:20 and Ephesians 4: 11-15. It should be evident to every one-fold Pastor-led congregation that the present day Church is lacking. Some have stated that people are being demonically inspired to leave the Church. This, in my humble opinion is incorrect, but characterizes the blinders on many Church leaders. People are leaving the Church because they want more of God and Pastors who operate in the ‘old order’ are slow to recognize the many ministries and callings around them, most of which sit in their pews. God made men to fulfill a destiny, and like Pharaoh, the old order binds and restricts God’s people. John-the-Baptist said, "I must decrease that He might increase." Jesus was the entire five-fold ministry which He graciously left us. The Lord is again raising Himself up through these ministers and ministries and He will increase in this hour.

Saul’s Armour, the old order, does not work. A new Davidic Order is being raised up to bring life to God’s people. The typical ‘Saul Type’ would like to maintain Minister-Dependent people and churches, where he (the Pastor) is worshiped and adored by the people, remaining the center of attention, and purportedly hearing God for the people.

Typical of this ministry are several unique traits which have been with us for years – control and manipulation of the sheep, no reproduction of ministry in others, no one else acknowledged for what they are called to do, little to no victory in the life of the people, pastor, or church as a whole, unfinished buildings, closed Christian schools, defunct programs and ministries. So little honor or respect is given to the prophetic and apostolic ministry, those anointed to conceptualize, structure and direct the Church (Ephesians 2:20), that there is small wonder why the Church is in such a state of confusion and disorder. The mentality and mindset of these type leaders has been ‘big me and little you.’

A God-inspired restlessness has indeed hit the Church. To put it in simple terms, the people are not willing to wear Saul’s Armour any longer. On the other hand, the Davidic order is now coming forth worldwide. I submit to you that David reached into the brook and chose five smooth stones – symbolic of the five-fold ministries coming forth, often with people who have been hidden (submerged) for many years, who have been washed by the water of the word until the rough edges have been honed into smooth surfaces. These five stones – any of which can be used at the time they are called for, WILL slay Goliath in this hour. Goliath has taunted the Church long enough. It is time for the Church to take Her rightful position, operating victoriously in winning this earth for God’s divine purpose. However, for this to happen new wine (new Church order) will have to be poured out, and only those with "new wineskins" can and will receive it.

In 1993 the Lord spoke very clearly to me and said, "Any ministry that is not connected to the prophetic ministry in months and years to come will miss my next great move." He also said, "Ignorance often comes disguised as tradition…anything growing will change, be open, be willing, be flexible to change." God desires His people to be MINISTRIES dependent, not Pastor dependent, BUT ONLY to the extent that we teach, lead, and equip His people to be God dependent for themselves.

May God forgive each and every one of us who have been guilty of thinking that we are the bridge between God and His people, as if we must hear God for all of His second-class children in the congregation! Let us discern the Body properly in order that we may be joined by God’s Spirit to those we are called to be joined to. May we begin to recognize the callings in others and acknowledge the entire five-fold ministry as viable and vital parts to the entirety of God’s Body – The Church.

The Coming Healing Revival

Todd Bentley

I want to share with you several things that the Lord is looking for in restoring the Voice of healing and a healing revival. I believe God is about to release three things the voice, a movement and the creative word!!! ..

The Voice: The Lord showed me that the "eyes of the Lord" run to and fro throughout the earth to show himself strong on behalf of the heart contrite before him. God is looking for a John the Baptist, one to show himself strong in power, The voice of one crying out the truth about divine healing without compromise and the fear of the controversy that can come with a ministry of healing. We need preachers of faith, power and the uncompromising gospel!!

We as a north American church are in a famine of power {wilderness]. God is looking for those who will resurrect the pure word about healing, regardless of what there experience with healing has been, good or bad. We need a restoration of the word faith. I am not talking about the full movement but the heart and spirit behind teachings from men like Tl Osborn and John G Lake.

We have a diluted message. We are afraid of the controversy of really believing the lord for healing and preaching the full gospel of miracles, signs and wonders. We are too concerned about those who don't get healed and What about my experience with healing? It is time to open the truth of redemption again and commit our lives to preaching the word of power, even in the midst of little fruit and a label that can come if you really practice "Faith"..

Movement: In the 1940s - 60's there was a incredible release of healing, evangelism and power. Hundreds were raised up and began to blaze across America with signs and wonders, including Jack Coe, Oral Roberts, William Branham and Gordon Lindsay and many more. This was a healing revival and I believe few if any are walking in the anointing the Holy spirit released in that time. It was said at one time that 126 wheelchairs were emptied in one service and in another service every sickness, crippled body, blind and deaf were healed in one service without the laying on of hands. I believe that God is about to open up that well. The key to mass evangelism is healing, signs and wonders.The Lord showed me two things about this coming movement.

1. The release of the John 5: Pools of Bethesda The name Bethesda means outpouring, I see such an outpouring of the healing anointing that there would be Spokane Washington's across the nations, cities of refuge, whole cities known for healing and the ministry of Jesus. For those who do not know about Spokane in the early 1900s John G Lake started the healing rooms. In 5 years people came from all over the world to be healed and they declared Spokane wash, the healthiest city in America. They documented over 100,000 healings and miracles.

2. The module of John Lake: Teams of healers and a tangible transferable healing anointing resting even on the children. It is time to train and equip the body of Christ to function as the body of Jesus and Preach the gospel, Heal the sick, Cleanse the Leper and Raise the dead, cast out demons. The John Lake module is a Healing team!!!

Creative word: There are two things about the creative word. One God is about to release the healing "spoken" word and two he is about to bring us back to the revelation of the healing connected to what we say with our mouth {confession}. It is time that we believe that "he sent his word and delivered them from their destruction's, just say the word and my servant will be healed. Jesus commands us to heal the sick!!!

Proverbs 23:7 For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he:

It is time to overcome our negative thinking and words of unbelief and sickness, death and defeat. We need to start to refuses to believe we are anything but what the bible declare"s and be careful to talk that talk even though you may not have the full manifestation of what God is saying about you "By his stripes we are healed"

We to understand a fresh revelation of the power of our words and what we say is what we are. In Joshua ch 1 the bible tells us to meditate in the word day and night, Then we would be successful and prosper, There are two things about meditating, one to think upon again again, and to confess out loud again and again the promise of God. Something begins to happen in our heart and spirit when we line ourselves up with what God says and that is what we say. I am what he says I am, and I can do what he says I can.

Proverbs 23:7 For as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he:

We need to change our mindset and make a decision to renew our minds, hold fast to the confession of our faith in the midst of opposite experience and circumstances. The bible is true!!!! |


By Ching Co

Beloved children of the Most High God,

I have stood at my watchtower for many months and have not been led to be speaking for that season. But today, I sense the Lord urging me to share what I've observed from my watchtower taking place specially among God's people.


In the same manner that the angel of God held back the water of the sea and they became a wall of water on their right and on their left-- --So today, there is an invincible wall that the Holy One has set over His people.


This wall protects us from absorbing the full measure of the destructive forces coming from God's enemies who are bent to kill and to destroy us . We can see and feel the ferocity and fierceness of these blows all around us through various forms and coming from various circumstances.


But sovereignly, God has injected us with a special heavenly serum that helps to de-sensitize our feelings and emotions which prevent us from reacting and acting in way that will be detrimental to us.

There seems to be a dulling taking place in our emotions and feelings. Many times, we might even think that we are depressed or drying up. A friend once expressed to me that "he felt like a zombie". But on deeper searching, we know that this is not so-- because in the innermost part of our soul, wordless praise, worship and communication with the Father abounds and flows naturally most times.

These changes in our emotional setting are all part of the dying to our flesh. Dead man don't react-- and many are beginning to feel just like dead men where their emotions are concerned.


God is at work and He is now working in the very innermost part of our being. I felt that God is raising up an army who has set their face "like flint" (Isaiah 50:7) made ready to follow the Master's bidding without questioning or rationalizing.


Our God is alive and full of life. So will be His people once He is finished with us. This dying to our feelings and emotions will not be permanent but is meant only to cause them to line up with the heavenly frequency and channel.

Circumstances happening around us are merely tools that the Lord has allowed to fine-tune us. What the enemy has meant for evil, God has turned around for good and for His purpose.


"Heavenly Father, we submit ourselves to the deep work that You are doing within our soul. Do what needs to be done in each of our lives this season. We desire to enter into the fullness of what You have prepared and destined for each of us. We know that in Your time, You will make us whole again. In Christ name we pray amen!"

HOSEA 6:1-3

"Come, let us return to the Lord. He has torn us to pieces but He will heal us; He has injured us but He will bind up our wounds. After two days He will revive us; on the third day He will restore us, that we may live in His presence. Let us acknowledge the Lord; let us press on to acknowledge Him. As surely as the sun rises, He will appear; He will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that waters the earth."

Resting in His hands,

Sis. Ching Co
Cebu City

When Little Python Grows Up

Jana Alcorn

Paul was an apostle well experienced in spiritual warfare. Anyone in pursuit of their destiny will encounter various levels of spiritual battle. What did your battle feel like? What did it look like? What were the after-effects of the war?

Remember that a battlefield is a place that effects change. Things are shifted. Landscapes are altered. Reformation takes place and modifications are sometimes made.

Paul encountered a spirit of divination in Acts 16:16. This spirit is translated as the spirit of python.

Let's take a look at some principles of this subtle spirit.


Actually, pythons are non-poisonous and are often pets. Just because you have discerned a "little" spirit at work, doesn't mean it won't grow up. Never think that any demonic spirit can ever be your "pet."

Jesus said, "The prince of this world cometh and hath NOTHING in me." Be aware that just as God plants seeds and not trees, even so the enemy plants "little" foxes to spoil the vines of ministry. Be aware that spiritual skirmishes can turn into full-scale spiritual battlefields.

A little python can become a big python.

Don't ever trust a "snake" in your ministry, even if it's a small one.


Constrict means to squeeze, to limit, to tighten, to apply pressure. Do you sense this happening in your ministry? Are you being "squeezed" by a spirit? Has the enemy tried to "limit" your ability to progress in your vision? Is something or someone being used that is "applying pressure"?

The only press we should feel is forward progression by the Spirit of God. Never should we be "pressured" by the enemy to make a wrong move. Don't let this python spirit gain strength.

The Delilah-like spirit is one that always presses a Samson-like minister. Judges 16:16..."And it came to pass when she pressed him daily...."


Spiritual asphyxiation transpires when python grows and is able to have the strength to overcome its victims. With their strength, pythons are able to, not only suffocate, but to crush, even to the death.

Are you being overwhelmed by this spirit? Is your ministry under such an intense attack that you sense the "breath of God: is being snuffed out of your life? Are you in a time of spiritual crushing, brought about by the spirit of python?

Satan is clearly referred to as a dragon that has the power to take one's breath. (Rev. 12)

The wind of the Spirit is blowing in the Body of Christ. Just as on the day of Pentecost, a rushing wind is filling the Church. This wind will bring cleansing and refreshing. No wonder this spirit of python is set to destruction against the leadership.

Leader, this spirit must be defeated and victory must be declared! Recognize it. Don't pet it. Don't feed it. Don't let it grow. Get it out!

The Authority of God

A.W. Tozer

...I am sending you to them, and you shall say to them, "Thus says the Lord God." As for them, whether they hear or whether they refuse--for they are a rebellious house--yet they will know that a prophet has been among them. -Ezekiel 2:4-5

I don't want to be unkind, but I am sure there ought to be a lot more authority in the pulpit than there is now. A preacher should reign from his pulpit as a king from his throne. He should not reign by law nor by regulations and not by board meetings or man's authority. He ought to reign by moral ascendance.

When a man of God stands to speak, he ought to have the authority of God on him so that he makes the people responsible to listen to him. When they will not listen to him, they are accountable to God for turning away from the divine Word. In place of that needed authority, we have tabby cats with their claws carefully trimmed in the seminary, so they can paw over the congregations and never scratch them at all. They have had their claws trimmed and are just as soft and sweet as can be....

I believe in the authority of God, and I believe if a man doesn't have it, he should go away and pray and wait until he gets the authority and then stand up to speak even if he has to begin on a soapbox on a street corner. Go to a rescue mission and preach with authority! They had it in those days--when they stood up, there was authority! The Counselor, 150-151.

"Lord, may I always preach boldly like the Apostle Paul, like Ezekiel, like Jeremiah and the prophets. If I have the Word of God; if I have the Holy Spirit; if I have a humble spirit of dependence on You--there's no reason I should preach like a de-clawed tabby cat! Amen."

Read "Insight for Leaders" online at:

My Strong Arms

by Joyce A. Lighari

For the Lord would say to you --

My arm is very long and My arm is very powerful. My arm stretches to the far corners of the universe. My arms reach around the globe. With one slight squeeze of My arms, mighty kingdoms are crushed.

My arms do not lack the power and strength. My arms are not short. They can reach anywhere.

My arm is capable of crushing the enemy in your life. It has the strength and power to do so. But the strength and power of My arm is what I use to protect you, to defeat the enemy in your life, in regions, in countries, in the heavenlies.

It is My arm that defeats the enemy because it reaches everywhere and can touch and destroy anything.

But My arm is not used in that way toward you. My arms are stretched out in love toward YOU, My child. My arm is long and can reach you, where ever you are, or where ever you are hiding.

Sometimes you fear My arms and you run. When I am pursuing you to hug you, to love you, to comfort you, to forgive you and to restore you. You think that since My arms are so strong and powerful that you must hide from them.

But I tell you, My arms are never used that way toward the people I love. My arms are never used that way toward My people, My children, My beloved.

My arms are ready to touch you. But I will not touch you unless you give Me permission.

I move without invitation against the enemy and I move without invitation to show My strength to the nations and to the principalities and powers, but I do not move toward My children unless they are ready and invite Me.

I'm standing so close to you right now. I'm right beside you. I want to comfort you, I want to heal you, I want to touch you. May I???

You are My beloved, you are My delight, you are the apple of My eye and I want to hold you so closely right now. I want to touch you and impart My life to you. I want to go deeply into your spirit and restore you.

Turn your face toward Me. I am ready to love you. May I???

My arms are strong and mighty but they are filled with a great love for you -- let Me hold you. May I??

Joyce A. Lighari
The Age of Hope Ministry

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