Five-Fold Today - The Time Is Now - Victory, Out Of the Dust and Ashes - My Love Will Take You Through - Sleepers, Dreamers, and Visionaries - Humility - Know Me - The Stages Of a Candle

January 1, 2002

The Time Is Now

Sue Gregg

For the time is now. Yes the season is upon you. There is no time to sleep, so shake off your slumber, lay aside your bedclothes. Arise and be refreshed. The refreshing of My Spirit will make you alert. When you are drowsy your hearing is impaired, your ears are dull. When you are drowsy your sight is impaired, your eyes do not see clearly.

You must watch and pray. If you grow weary My Spirit will refresh you. Those who hear my voice shall be lead forth in peace. As a commander in a great army I will give you direction. Make no mistake my children; I do not lead you into a battle against your adversary, the devil -- no that battle has been won. I defeated him long ago at Calvary. My victory is your victory. But I lead you into his territory to seize his possessions -- possessions that now belong to me: the souls of men; those who have been held captive; those prisoners of war who do not know that the war is over; who are unaware that I fought to the death for their life and I won!

We must go to get them. We must proclaim liberty to the captives. We must give sight back to those who were blinded. I know where the prisoners are know where they are being held captive. If you listen to me I will lead you into the enemy's territory and you will bring forth the captives in great joy. I know the enemy, your adversary, and I defeated him. Because I know him, I must be the one to lead you in. You can't go on your own. He will out maneuver you through deceit. But if you will listen to me, if you will shake off your slumber and come to attention, I will lead you in and we will bring back my treasured possessions.

There is a window of opportunity that we cannot afford to miss. The value o the booty is far too high for it to be disregarded or forsaken. For it is the value of the souls of men. I value the souls of men greater than my own life. For you once were held captive and someone followed my directions and came and got you. Have you forgotten the condition that you lived in? Have you forgotten what your life as a prisoner was like? Can you live in freedom and joy knowing there are countless others yet to be delivered?

My desire is that NONE should perish. Will you accept my command? Will you go in my authority and bring back my people? Can you let go of your desires and give attention to me? If you will, everyday I will show you where the enemy has hidden a prisoner. As you obey my command, we will bring them out -- some one by one and some in great numbers. If you will shake off your slumber, come to attention and listen to me, the enemy will never out maneuver you nor deceive you.

So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; it will not return to Me empty, without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it. For you will go out with joy and be led forth with peace; the mountains and the hills will break forth into shouts of joy before you and all the trees of the field will clap their hands. (Isaiah 55:11-12)

Out of the dust. out of the ashes, Victory will emerge

Alice Weeks

In Malachi, in the final chapter of the last book of the Old Covenant, The Lord declares "unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his shall tread down the wicked;for they shall be ashes under the soles of you feet in the day that I shall do this(4;2-3)

Please note: ... FINAL CHAPTER,... LAST BOOK!

Because of the ungodly world system we live in now, tragic Personal Circumstances in our lives can reduce us to nothing but dust and ashes but the reverse of it is that those who fear the name of Jesus have hope for they shall tread down the wicked until they shall be ashes under the soles of their feet.

We must constantly remind ourselves that "We wrestle not with flesh and blood but with principalities and powers..."

The twin towers of the World Trade Center became dust and ashes from a terrorist attack IN THE NATURAL REALM. In the SPIRITUAL REALM satan's forces have been at work throughout our land terrorizing and reducing people to dust and ashes emotionally, spiritually and physically. He is using deception and ungodly people who are serving in the ungodly systems in this world.

First in the natural then, in the spirit....1 Cor.. 15:46

The terrorist attack on America in the natural opened up a demonic realm of attack on God's people in the spiritual realm.

Even as the attack on the twin towers came unexpectedly from another land, so God's people are being terrorized suddenly, unexpectedly in their personal lives from another (land) realm. The attack strikes at the very heart of God's people in an effort to destroy them emotionally so that they cannot accomplish the purpose of God for their lives. The terrorist means of destruction is FEAR! This terror comes unexpectedly, when least expected so as to have the maximum effect. It strikes at "the Achilles heel"and at what ever is most dear to you so as to cause maximum paralysis instantaneously,reducing you to dust and ashes.

Even as in the natural,support services and people came into place for those who were victims of the twin towers so we must be alert to those who have been attacked (in a less visible way) by the demonic forces at work to destroy in a personal way God's people.

It is extremely important at this time to be under the headship of a true pastor who cares for His sheep. A hireling will leave when the sheep are attacked. It is also necessary to be transparent at this time. Fear can cause you to distrust everyone and withdraw. In isolation you are defenseless. The predator always attacks the one who is away from the "herd". Stay close to the shepherd and the other sheep. The good shepherd knows his sheep by name.

Dust and ashes are signs of repentance! Glory be to God!

Therefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes" said Job. (42:6)

May the dust and ashes of the twin Towers and the dust and ashes of our own personal terrorist destructions continue to bring forth repentance that "The Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings;and you shall trample the wicked, for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet.

Ministry of Living Water
Alice Weeks

My Love Will Take You Through

Yolanda Ballard

Soar with Me for I have healing in My wings. Soar with Me high above all power and principality. I say to you this day that if you want to overcome in the attack from the enemy of your soul, look past that of the natural and keep your eyes on Me. Keep My word before you and hidden in your heart. For the enemy is trying to rob you of your faith in Me by trying to get you to look at the negative circumstances surrounding you.

Be still and know that I am God. Do not waver in doubt and unbelief and fear that I will not come through for you. As I take you through the fire, I am purging all that is not of Me out of your heart. And this is a very uncomfortable situation. Open up to Me. Do not run from Me panicking and do that which stems from the evil one. For the enemy wants you to give up the fight and drop your sword and shield and run. But this is not time to retreat but to gird up your loins and press in even stronger against the enemy.

Stand firm, My people, press in for the land is yours. Even though you see the giants, do not retreat! Press in with head set like flint against the evil one and push. Push, I say to you this day, for you are right at the edge of a major breakthrough in your life. Even though the fire gets hot, it will not burn. Be assured this day that I will take you to the other side. I will take you over this hurdle, and you will never have to go back to this spot again if you hold on to what you have and don't let go. I have given you a rich inheritance of prosperity and divine health and victory in every area of your life.

Be bold, be strong, for the Lord your God is with you. Fear not or be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you. Yes, I will help you. I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. This is the day for victory for you. Do not retreat. Press in. The flames will not burn you, but will only purify you because they are the flames from the fire of My love. Be strong. Faint not for My love will take you through!

Sleepers, Dreamers, and Visionaries

Undrai Fizer

Know this! There will be those that critique your dream that do not dream themselves. There will others that will take the time to sleep and then give a personal "review" of the vision that God has given you in your spirit. Sleepers cannot connect to vision. Those who choose to sleep and "hide from the inner responsibility" of purpose, will not find destiny.

Destiny calls you and purpose defines you. As you awaken to what God has called you to be, and what He has saved you to become, it will create a foundation on the inside of you to respond to the "dormant burden" inside of you and give it a voice. As destiny speaks from your responsibility, there will be "sleepers" that will have an opinion.

You cannot stop others from having an opinion. "You" have an opinion. But, when you "know what you know," speak louder! Speak loud within yourself. Do not talk yourself into a compromising situation. Compromising is more than an immoral decision. Compromise is "diminishing the urgency of direction" for your purpose. It means you are taking your own time to respond, without trying to feel the consequence.

Purpose does not stand still. Do not give "sleepers" the power to diminish your vision. Do not let them dictate the "navigation" of your journey. Sleepers will let you know that they are not ready, in so many words, to "wake up." The "warm blankets" of comfort and compromise will cause them to "camp in nothingness," and they will ask you to do the same. (Do not take "as encouragement" the voice of a "sleeper" when he says "go forward". He is only wanting you to move on, so he can sleep comfortably without you "making noise")

Are the voices in your world encouraging you to go forth? Are they following the trail that you are blazing with the fire of the Holy Spirit? Are the sleepers waking up around you? You see, sleepers dream because they are asleep. But the anointed dreamers wake up to "see" (vision and visionaries)! You have nothing if you do not wake up!

Do not let the sleepers dictate the intensity and power of your purpose. Do not share the "warm blankets" of compromise with them. Do not allow their campgrounds to lead you into a "bed of ease." (Those campgrounds will cause you to forget if you are not careful)

Walk with people who are awake. That's when you'll be able to run.

You "do" want to run, don't you?

Undrai and Bridget Fizer


Sandy Brunson

HUMILITY: this is not the self depreciation with which many of us are often acquainted. Rather, it is the refusal to trust oneself for fulfillment of needs.....looking instead to the Lord!

THE PRIDE OF MAN: this is a personal sense of "rightness" as a result of our identification with our culture, class, race, marriage, family, possessions, position (even in churches), job, finances, etc. Though all these things can be and often are blessings from the Hand of trust in them for a personal sense of "rightness" is VAIN.....empty. Association by them is as nothing in God's eyes.

Only that "rightness" (righteousness) imputed by Christ Jesus by personal association and full reception of HIM; all that He is and all that He does....ONLY THAT makes any person able to stand before God.

Diligently avoid ANY form of personal validation through the SELF-nature.

ONLY THAT which comes by and through God shall stand in the Day of the Lord.

SELF - righteousness. SELF - provision. SELF - protection. Reliance upon these make one unteachable and unshapable in God's Hands. Lean NOT to your own understanding. IN ALL YOUR WAYS...acknowledge HIM and HE shall direct your path.


Humble yourself regularly in the Presence of the Lord. This conscious act of humility places your in the only postition by which you are able to truly TRUST HIM and be led by Him.

The wise man is able to PATIENTLY EMBRACE and ENDURE suffering.....KNOWING that God's loving Hand will prevail BEYOND IT! Understand that adversity is a fire by which God is seeking to purify and purge your life of all pride, smugness, of all unrighteousness.

HUMBLE YOURSELF in the sight of the Lord. Refuse to trust yourself to meet your own needs. INSTEAD: Look to God DIRECTLY to be your PROVIDER, your PROTECTOR, your SHELTERING TREE, your work the affairs of life out for you. And more so than ever in this Day of Trouble which has come upon the earth....allow HIM to direct your path.

"It takes some PRACTICE, some DILIGENCE, some DISCIPLINE on your part, but as you continue to give those things, you will see My Plan for you unfold one day, one step at a time. You will see My power demonstrated to you and through you, here a little, there a little, it will SURELY come and flow through the efforts you give; but see to it that you remain constant and humble in your personal life. Seek not to exalt yourself, but exalt Me, point others to me and know that it is ONLY as you LOOK TO ME that you shall see My plan and purpose unfold in you.

"Draw no attention to yourself, but rather unto Me, and My power shall overtake you and flow through you. Prayers will be answered. Efforts will multiply. People will fall before you asking to know the source of your life, or your behavior, of the service and ministry that will flow through you. You will see much unfold before you as you are faithful to reach out and touch people in My Name and for Me, and you shall see change come in their lives. They will testify of it and you shall hear of it."

Sandy Brunson
Volunteers for Jesus

Know Me - A Revelation of Our Authority in Christ

Deb Okereke

It's on My heart, saith the Lord, to give My people a greater revelation of the authority they walk in as My Children. Do you not know that even the newest babe in Christ has enough spiritual authority in My Name to decimate the armies of darkness, IF THEY BELIEVE THEY DO!! Think what those among you who are mature in Me can accomplish when you learn to harness My authority. So pay heed to My words. I will unlock the keys to My authority and power so that you will have dominion over the enemy.

To be able to stand in My authority and wield My sceptre you must first know Me, not superficially but deeply, intimately. The enemy trembles in terror at those who know Me and walk in My authority. It is not enough to use the Name of Jesus unless you first know Me. All authority has been given to Me and I choose to release it through you. To those whom I give this authority, you are My representatives on the earth - My kingdom builders. Learn these principles well for I have need of those who can be trusted with the surpassing greatness of My power. Learn well that you will be ready to be deployed to conquer nations and possess the land.

Pick up the sword of the Spirit and start slashing through the layers of darkness over the nations, the cities, the peoples. My light and My truth will overcome the darkness. To you who know Me will I give My authority and exousia power. I call you overcomers. It is not a light thing to be entrusted with this. Let My Spirit teach you to be wise and not foolish with it. The stakes are high. How satan laughs at My children who do not appropriate their inheritance, who do not grasp the spiritual authority they could be walking in.

May you lay siege to the devil's kingdom from this day forward. May you march into the enemy's camp and bring back with you the sweet spoils of victory. Let not My saints tremble in fear at the power of the enemy, but let the demons run screaming from them, at My power displayed in My saints, those who have a relationship with Me. Go now!! There's work to be done. Do not fear for (Luke 10:19 NIV) "I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you."

The Stages Of a Candle

Stephen Hanson

You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. [15] Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. [16] In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. MT 5:14

(God showed me in a vision, a single candle burning. It burned brightly in the darkness around it. He told me to look at the flame. As I did, there were now countless flames on a spiraling-type device that were all lit. This device spun around and around very rapidly, and then all of a sudden, each of them went out.)

He then said:

"The candles of many of my servants have gone out. They have been snuffed out by your neglect of Me. They once burned brightly. They once shone in the darkness. They were once filled with light. But then the cares of the world and other things, drove them out. How can the flame be re-lit again? I tell you, it is not a difficult thing."

(Again the Lord showed me some candles. There was a single row of many of them. The first one was being lit and it stayed lit. Then the second, third and fourth ones were lit. But as each successive one was lit, the previous one(s) would go out. I also noticed that there was a lot of wax around the tops and shafts of each of the candles were they had been burning before. All now seemed to have gone out again.

Now the Lord asked me to look again at the candle. As I watched, the top of it opened up very much like a flower or rose, would blossom. I watched as each top of the candle blossomed, and then blossomed again. It was as if inside each of the successive "blossoms", a new blossom would appear. Finally after perhaps ten stages of this process, the flame appeared again at the top of the candle, and it was burning very brightly.)

"This is the process that each of your candles needs to go through. You need to "blossom" in your time spent with Me. You need to "blossom" in your times spent in giving to each other. Then your candles will burn brighter than ever before. That is what needs to happen. Let the flames grow brighter and stronger. Then that candle will shine to the world around it."

Stephen Hanson

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