Five-Fold Today Camouflage Levite Army, Come Forth! - Known By Their Love - - Incredible Truth - More Love - Two By Two They Shall Go - Armor-Bearers / Touch Not My Anointed - What? Me Judged? - Stand Your Ground - Establishing Our Hearts Blameless in Holiness - The Secret Place

August 27, 2001

Camouflage Levite Army, Come Forth!

Joni Ames

The other night, I sat back in my chair at home and had an open vision of the living room of some friends of mine who, to me, represent present day Levites. Suddenly, in the midst of their living room, there was a fountain. It started springing up slightly, but some of the holes were obviously clogged. The water pressure increased, and suddenly, one by one, the holes un-clogged, and the fountain was springing forth beautifully!

The fountain became a tree, which then became a beautiful green landscape with rolling hills and other trees. I was enjoying looking at it, and suddenly it seemed the leaves were moving all around. To my surprise, it wasn't "all" trees - it was PEOPLE DRESSED IN CAMOUFLAGE! There were MANY, of ALL ages. I recognized many of them.

I then noticed that they were pushing and pulling LARGE carts, like those used in building supply stores to carry out paneling and wall board. However, the carts were FULL of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS! And the cart, instruments, and every part of the instruments were also painted in CAMOUFLAGE! Even the straps that were holding the instruments on the carts were painted in camouflage!

Then I realized that there was a war going on. I heard the bomb blasts and saw the light from them flashing beyond the hills. It became known to me that bombs and guns were not begin delivered to this army, but musical instruments. I then was then made to know that these instruments were weapons that were being delivered to the HIDDEN or CAMOUFLAGED army. - In fact, that MANY of them who were called for this time were those who didn't have instruments - or even know how to play! Some had begun to learn, but had given it up, yet it was still in their hearts. Some never had instruments before. Some could never afford to buy the instruments; some had them but had to sell them because they needed money or had to give them up for other reasons. But the Lord was delivering these instruments into their hands, and was "teaching them to war" with them.

I knew that many of these were those who are called to 24 hour worship "for such a time as this." - And that, as those instruments were placed into their hands, the Lord would help them to learn quickly.

This is His camouflage army; hidden until now; called forth "for such a time as this!" - Just as the Lord called out and sent forth His praisers in times past, He has called this new breed forth now with WORSHIP as their WAR-ship!

If you sense that this applies to you, do not feel that you have "missed it" - and do not take condemnation upon you for not doing this up until now. The Lord has opened this "fountain of refreshing" for you! Do not hold back or draw back, nor feel you are inferior! It is time to come forth!

Whether you "play by ear" or "only know chords" or "only sing" or "don't sing" or "don't know how to play" - if it is in your heart, the Lord is placing into your hands the skill and ability you need. There is action that is needed on your part to act upon the word, and to DO something! "Do not neglect the gift that is within you; meditate on it; give yourself entirely to it!" (I Timothy 4:13-16

Known By Their Love

Linda Evans

Dearest Lovers of God and Lovers of His Creation,
Without LOVE it is all clanging cymbals and sounding brass....

I believe the Lord has been pouring His Love out upon His Church (and all the world) in these past three years (especially), transforming the sound of the clanging cymbals and the sounding brass. Causing a change in the tone -- for with Love comes understanding. With Love, comes compassion. With Love comes the changed heart, one that no longer has to defend itself -- but understands the importance of differences as well as similarities. With Love, comes the divine energies and the divine sight to look through the differences, to see the Lord in the midst of all the Brethren -- and to Love all creation with the Love that they have received. Without Love, our sight remained 'caught on the surface' and could not penetrate through anything at all.. With Love this 'looking through' what is seen, to see that which is unseen seems to be a teaching the Spirit of the Lord is showing in a myriad of applications. We are to be people who walk by faith -- not sight, and with Love leading the way, this journey becomes a most blessed one. Love pours forth in all directions -- and it matters not in the slightest how it is received, or where it is released -- it continues to flow unhindered, if we will be courageous and just allow it to happen. Love is like a new set of glasses being put on -- where all things that we see, are filtered through Love -- and offenses cannot penetrate. This is the Life of the Spirit, who indeed is shedding Love abroad in our hearts -- this is the Fruit of the Gospel -- this is the Holy Spirit being Himself in and through us. We can take no credit for this -- for it is Him being Himself. We can surely enjoy it though -- and we can refuse to allow fear to interfere. We can become truly Christian -- in Christ's meaning of that word!

Yes, we will be called heretics by those who remain in bondage to the walls of denominationalism -- whether those walls are real or just a mindset that needs the framework of a fortress of some sort in order to feel 'separated' from the world -- or believes these walls will 'protect' them against the deception coming upon the earth. Those of the "church without walls" have learned to walk with Christ inside and outside the walls, so they know that HE is their refuge and He is a mobile rescuer. :) They are not a stationary body, but a mobile body -- flowing inside and outside the wall, belonging to no one but Christ, but free to go as the wind blows - as the Spirit leads. This body, clothed in the Fires of Love, will increase in intensity as the Lord burns more and more clearly and purely in flesh that is being consumed in His very fire... This Fire will be unquenchable, even as the Song of Songs speaks of it -- many water cannot put out this fire -- for this is the fire of a soul/body/spirit in passionate Love with her Beloved Husband Jesus... and especially in Love with the others who know this Love. There is a unity in this Love which has only rarely been seen on earth, but will be seen in this day in a way that has never before been revealed.

Those whose hearts have been willing to receive this Love, have been changed drastically -- even in this short a time. Those who have hardened their hearts and refused to receive, will become that much harder. The separation has been happening.. and there truly is a body rising up through the open roofs of the boxes, meeting in the air (in the Spirit) --becoming One in Christ, in Love.

I pray blessings over this portion of the Body, that all might embrace the Love of God (Christ Jesus!) ... becoming extravagant Lovers of God and lovers of man... and in this way become those disciples of His, the Lord prophesied would be known by their Love one for another. This is Christianity -- may we become truly Christians!!

In Love's service to His Bride,
your sister, Linda

Given to the Latter Rain List

Incredible Truth

Cori Dann

Sometimes, the Lord will take a simple thing and reveal and incredible truth, no?

John 12:32
And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. I wonder, if we, as the body of Christ Jesus, our Lord, would concentrate more on lifting Him up, instead of on how we feel, or which doctrine we wish to debate, or why we are not recognized in the assembly as persons with prophetic anointing, it seems, by the Word, much more would happen.

We, as children of the living Lord, are a body, symbolic of the human body. So, if I cut off my hand and place it on the table, how does my arm function? If I remove my heart, or brain, does the rest of the body go on?

Same with me...if I remove myself from the body (assembly of saints) will I thrive or dwindle. If I am not actively using my gifts given to me by the grace of God, will I excel?


There is nothing outside the anointing and covering of Jesus Christ. Not righteousness, not healing, not life in and of itself.

So, if my focus is on the fact that He who is the I AM lives in me by the power of His spirit and if I am concentrating on lifting up His majesty and all that He can I not love you, abide with you, come along side of you, and agree?

We are missing something incredible as a whole today. Some incredible element that presided over and in the early church from Pentecost. Even Paul, who was stoned, beaten, chased and jailed went back to the temple to tell of the good news, the story of our incredible Lord and His love.

I do not believe anything less is expected or desired or coveted by our Lord of us.

He waits. He waits for the Father to put His enemies as a footstool under His feet. He waits in love on us, to know who we are and why we are here and what we must do. He waits. Sometimes I feel in agony and despair He weeps and He waits. He waits because He loves us.

How can I say I love Him and not do the things He says? How can I not put aside my own desires for His? It seems impossible, yet each day it continues on.

There is a day not long in the future where things that are coming will be great and not a pretty picture. We are a nation where we can wear our Christian T-shirts, put on our bumper stickers and openly worship Him. That day will end soon enough. We have such little precious time. How are we using it? Are we thriving or are we sitting on the table apart from the body and dwindling?

He waits, brothers and sisters. Will He find faith when He returns? Will we use what has been given to us or sit on our islands and believe it is right to do so? Waiting for Him to come to us.

It is pretty ugly now. Our doctrines and our anger keep us apart. I can see a body all cut up with pieces all over the place. The only thing keeping it from coming together is us. Will we put aside our pride, swallow the pain and anger and hurt and go out once again to let them see Him in us?

How long, oh Lord, will You wait?

Cori Dann
Submitted to the Prophetic Mentors List

More Love

Brother Alan McSavage

More love,
More power,
More of You in my life.

And I will worship You with all of my heart
And I will worship You with all of my soul
And I will worship You with all of my strength
For You are my Lord, You are my Lord.

Lord, Who Are You?

I wonder if John asked the question, “Who are you, Lord?” I have asked this question,
just as others have asked, “Who are you, Lord?”

Are You One, are You Two, Are you Three?
Are You Father, are you Son, are you Holy Spirit?
Are You all of these in One?
Are you the Christ?

The Almighty reveals much about himself in the Holy Scriptures. However, because God
is Spirit, we only understand part of what he reveals.

We glimpse the Lord’s fingerprints in his creation. He displays his perfection in the stars
and the earth. All the systems work together in unison to fulfill his plans. When we look
at a delicate flower or a leaf, we recognize the precision of his creation.

The Almighty God finished his creation in six days. He then stopped and admired his
masterpiece: he recognized its perfection (Gen. 1:31).

I can only answer the question, “Who are you, Lord?” with another question.

“Who am I without him?”

He’s everything to me. He’s my Savior, my Creator, my friend, and my first love.
Without the Lord, there’s no hope, no love, no peace, and no future. The Lord says, “I
am, because I am.” We as God’s children can only say, “We are, because He is.”

By Faith we believe that God is...and He is the rewarder of those that seek Him.

Seek Him with all of your heart, and God will reveal Himself to you.

May Christ be ALL. In all you do, in all you are, and in all you hope to be.


Two By Two They Shall Go

Jim Grayson

On this night, our Lord called me into a time of listening, with the express purpose of relaying what is very shortly to come in the Body of Christ. I was outside, sitting on the front porch at night, when the knowing of these things came to my spirit man, with the prelude from Habakkuk 2:3:

"For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay."

This was followed with these words:

TWO BY TWO THEY SHALL GO, like Paul and Silas or Peter and John. There will soon come a time when people will be eating in a restaurant or walking down the street or in school or at work and suddenly find themselves in the presence of or the recipient of miracles. TWO BY TWO THEY SHALL GO, following the leading of the Holy Spirit, bringing joy and healing to all with whom they are directed to share the gifts of God. TWO BY TWO THEY SHALL GO, and will at times, be directed to stop at a funeral home and completely change the emotions of those within by raising those who have passed away. They will be directed to enter institutions for the mentally ill, and set the captives free to the glory of God the Father. TWO BY TWO THEY SHALL GO, and will come upon car accidents and not only heal those who are injured or raise those who have died, but completely restore the vehicles as if nothing has happened. They will reverse the tragedies of killer storms and tornadoes, completely and instantly restoring all that has been killed,! injured or destroyed, including property, again, all to the glory of the Father. The Name of Jesus from these, the remnant, will raise many who have been murdered and the effects of this will result in the repentance and salvation of the murderers. TWO BY TWO THEY SHALL GO, and change the natural order of events when so commanded by the Father and will, through the power of the Holy Spirit, bring about the catastrophic events of which Jesus prophesied in Matthew,chapter 24, bringing a sinful world to repentance.

During this time, the remnant will appear as Sons of Thunder to those who continue to adhere to the spirit of Babylon, fearful and full of incontestable spiritual wisdom and knowledge. To those with a heart toward the Father, they will come as Children of Light, to show them the way out of the darkness, out of the wilderness, out of the desert, out of ignorance and weakness, into the Light of the Cross of Calvary. They will show God's people what it means to be a true Child of the Most High King. They will truly know the meaning o! f "no weapon formed against them shall proper". They will become beacons for the future and prepare the Bride for the glorious and triumphant return of the Blessed Groom, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Many will be the persecutions of the remnant. Those corrupted with the spirit of Babylon will think they are performing a religious duty when they persecute and kill those of the remnant, those who are bringing to light by their actions all of the hidden and dark ways of those who want no change. First will come cold rejection, in spite of the signs and wonders, then open hostility and resentment, followed by mindless violence toward the remnant, the manifest Children of God. This will in no way inhibit the changes and miraculous events to come. Indeed, it will enhance them and spur others on toward their high calling, which is Jesus Christ. They will long to spend and be spent, to give all, even unto the giving of their life's blood, for the Lamb Who was slain but is alive forevermore. This will be their song, to give their all for HIM.

These events are coming to pass soon. They will be just the beginning, for our Lord is raising up an army from the generations of those age thirty and under, to raid the enemy camps, to extort plunder from the thief of thieves, to bring terror to the devil's own. It is this generation of which our Lord Jesus prophesied when He said, "the gates of hell will not prevail against it," referring to the army of God, the true Church. Our young people are a very precious commodity and we who are of the older generation are called to pioneer the way for them. We are to show them what God wants of them and point them toward the glorious destiny our Lord has ordained for them. We are to teach them, encourage them, bolster them, present an example to them but most of all, to serve them. They will wreak havoc on the denizens of hell itself, all because we loved them enough to serve them, rather than expecting them to serve us, all for the coming glory of God. His glory is coming. Glory! Freedom! Healing!"

Armor-Bearers / Touch Not My Anointed

Mary Freeman

Dear Prophets of the Lord--

It is time to become an armor-bearer for the leaders in your life. Leaders that God Himself, has set before you.

All of the "discontent" (David's men) were gathering around counsel ..."Do him in...surely the Lord has delivered him into your hands..."

Perhaps the Lord has exposed a leader's nakedness to us today. Perhaps these same voices of the past--sound convincing in our own life circumstances.

But the Lord's voice still prevails--"Touch NOT my anointed."

(This includes not only our actions and words...this specifically includes our HEART..."Touch NOT my anointed in your heart".)

That we would rather fall on our own sword than lift a finger against God's anointed.

AS the fruit in ministries is being "prepared" and released by the Lord...expect the attacks of the enemy to rise against our leaders...expect sin to be exposed to your eyes, so that you--as an armor-bearer--may assist them in the battle. Help cover your leaders in protective prayer.

Our Leaders need armor-bearers to assist in the battle that would rage against God's purpose.

"Seers"--our gifting is as effective as the love we are willing to walk in. Will we lay down our own life for the Lord's anointing of another?

"Touch not my anointed".

Mary Freeman
Dusseldorf, Germany

Stand Your Ground

Bill Hardaway

Do not fear the attacks of the enemy. I will protect you, for you are Mine. Satan will always try to make you believe that all is not right or that all is lost. Satan himself is the one who is lost for eternity. Do not fear for I am with you.

Stand your ground and Satan will flee from you. There is nothing he can do to take you out of my hand. Do not depend on your own strength.... come to Me. I will drive the enemy back. There is nothing that I will not do for you. Stand strong, I am with you always.

I Am About To Move In A New Way

Do not fear the attacks of the attacks of the Evil one. He is the one who is lost and defeated for all time. Cling to what is good, resist the Devil and He will flee from you. I am about to move in a new way. I am going to bring My power against every stronghold of the enemy. I will destroy his works and plans for all time.

There is nothing that can stand between Me and the love that I have for you. Nothing in your life has been left to chance, I have been there to guide you every step of the way. Now My plans and purposes for your life are about to unfold before you. Fret not about lost time and opportunities. I will restore everything that has been taken from you and more. Fear not soon you will rejoice in my presence continually.

Now Is Your Time

Do not fret or worry, for I am with you. My protective hand goes before you and I will guide you in the way that I desire for you to go. Why fear what man can do to you? I am your God and I will protect you from all harm.

Gone are the days that you wandered aimlessly in the desert. It is time to enter into what I have promised and prepared for you to do. Now is the time that your ministry begins. Not with wise and persuasive words but the demonstration of My power.

Never before since the beginning of time....has My power been poured out on all flesh. Never since the beginning of time has there been a witness of the fullness of My power. I am about to move with My Spirit in a mighty way. Watch What I am about to perform through your life and ministry. I am coming to you

You have cried out and I have heard your cries. My mercy is without limits. I am coming to you my child, there is nothing that can stand in my way. I desire to hold you in my arms and express my great love to you.

I know you have suffered greatly, but I promise that I will reward you beyond your wildest dreams. You have been faithful and there is nothing that I would not do for you.

Remember how tenderly I once loved and held you? I desire that closeness again. I will remove everything that stands between us. Know this, I am all powerful and there is nothing that can hinder my love for you.

I am about to draw you into my arms once more and reveal myself to you, as you have so desired. Wait for me, time is short, I am coming to you.

Do Not Pull Back Or Be Afraid

Every time I think of you I feel the desire to draw even closer to you. Do not pull back or be afraid, My intentions and plans for you are good..... beyond what you can imagine. Do not let your feelings of inadequacy hinder you from drawing near to Me.

Again and again the enemy will try to tell you how unworthy you are. Please press through these lies and come before My Throne. I have nothing but love, grace and mercy to bestow upon you. My wrath and judgment are reserved for those who refuse the knowledge of My Truth.

My love for you is without limits or boundaries. Please do not fear or draw back when I call. Press forward, I will reveal my great love and show you the splendors of My kingdom. Time is short.... please draw near to Me when I call.

Let Go and Trust Me Ever since I formed man and gave him the breath of live, I have sought after those who would do My will. There is nothing I can not accomplish. Now quiet your soul and listen to My voice carefully. I am about to share My secrets that I have withheld for so long. Do not think that I depend on your knowledge and strength to perform the tasks that I desire for you to do.

I tell you truly that I alone can supply the wisdom and power for the journeys that you are about to embark upon. Now rest and trust in My love. There is nothing you can do apart from Me. There is nothing you can do in your own strength. Let go and trust Me to move you right where I desire for you to be.

Nothing is hard, difficult or impossible for Me. Please allow Me to show you the power of my Hand. Please allow me to hand you one victory after another. Wait upon Me and watch what I am about to do through your life. I will surely amaze you Yet!


Establishing Our Hearts Blameless in Holiness

Deborah Voetberg

Since the middle of June, the Lord has been working deep in my heart, searching and rooting out wounds that would hold me back from what He is about to pour out on His people. Many of His children call out to Him, " Change my heart oh God!" and it can seem frustrating when our heart seems to struggle with the same issues from our past over and over again. They only crop up when God is beginning to increase our area of influence. Then we are faced with our inadequacies, weakness and blackness that still resides in our heart.

What the Lord ministered to me when this process began in June was that only He could make my heart blameless and He would show me the process. I needed to be still and alert to His working in my inner man. It has been a wonderful journey as I have rested and trusted Him with all of me. I thought I had surrendered my life many times before, but this was different. This required a greater stillness on the altar than before. I had to be willing to die there and risk never being resurrected. To suffer the pain as He revealed, forgave and healed, and to have that be my reward. Many times it can become a bargaining tool for those in ministry that we say to the Lord " I'll suffer through this if it means coming into a greater place of authority and power." God's question to me was, would I go through the process if the only outcome would be the blameless condition of my heart.

His love abounding in our heart is the pathway to the blameless heart that is established in holiness. 1 Thessalonians 3:12&13, " And may the Lord make you increase and abound in love to one another and to all, just as we do to you, so that He may established your hearts blameless in holiness before our God and Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all His saints."

The Lord first makes us increase and abound in His love to one another and to all! So the answer to the plea."Lord change my heart!" is that we must increase and abound in His love to one another and all. Brothers and sisters in the Lord and to the world! Children...Love one another! Colossians 3:14&15 "But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection. And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful."

Above what things? Above the fruit of the Spirit that must be evident in our lives. So, how do we come into the place where God can make us increase and abound in His love? Walking and living in.. ". Love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness & self-control. Against such there is no law." Galatians 5:22&23.

This is the fruit that grows on trees of righteousness that are planted by rivers of living water. The fruit cannot grow if the tree is not receiving the bread of life and drinking from living waters or surrendering to the hand of the gardener. Heb 12:11 "Now no chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful; nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it." And John 7:38 "He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, OUT OF HIS HEART will flow rivers of living water." His living water will flow out of your heart toward your brothers, sisters and the world changing and preparing you to increase and abound in His love.

Isaiah 61 is the proclaiming of the kingdom of the Lord. As we proclaim to the world that His kingdom is at hand, they hear, accept and become trees of righteousness. Isaiah 61:3 ". that they may be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that He may be glorified." This starts the process that will end with their hearts and our hearts becoming established blameless in holiness by the Lord.

His love, that will last for all eternity, is the message that is resounding in the spirit and will continue forever. Have we forgotten that God so loved that He gave? I have received many calls from saints going through this process, be encouraged! You are not alone! The Lord is preparing us to increase and abound in His love and show the world that love covers a multitude of sins and is a greater force than anything the kingdom of hell can bring forth.

And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love." 1 Corinthians 13:13

Great Grace!

Deborah Voetberg

Dabar Ministries

The Secret Place

Heidi Wilson

I am found by you in the secret place. This is where you and I enter into an intimate relationship. We sit together and gaze into one another's eyes. I teach you through my word more and more about myself. I speak to your spirit. I give you visions and insights that you would receive in no other way. I pour revelations into your being and you come to know me in a more intimate way than you ever have before. Do not neglect my secret place. Do not neglect that which I have given you as an escape from your troubles... here under my wing. Close to my heart. I cover you as you come close to me. Here is where your sanctuary is. Here in the secret place is where I move upon your life, changing you and making you into the vessel that you and I long for you to be. Here is where my anointing is poured out upon your life in a greater measure than you have ever seen before. Here is where we speak face to face... as friends... in a way that you have never experienced before. Here is where you can learn to worship me, and to pour out your heart to me in ways you have never been able to do before. This is an amazing place. This is where you will learn to walk in my love and to make my love a part of your life that can never again be questioned. It will become a part of who you are.

Don't neglect our secret place. Come away with me and spend time with me. You may pay a high price to do so, but I promise you that it will be well worth it. Don't look to men for what is only to be found in intimacy with me. Their approval, affirmation, friendship, giftings and love are what you look for, but what I have to offer is so much better. Also, don't let the business of life choke out the time that you and I could share together. Come away with me to my secret place and allow me to become the lover of your soul. You will never be the same again. You don't need to fear being rejected by me. I love you with an everlasting love. I accept you for you are my own. I love you with everything that I am. Know that I will not turn you away. I will not be a distant father to my children. I will be found by you here. I will be discovered by you in new ways every time that you come to me. I will pour out my healing upon your soul and begin that work in your life that you have cried out for. It will happen here... here with me in our secret place. Come. Come. Come.

Five-Fold Today Archives

The Lord has given us the grace to reconcile the children to their Fathers

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  • We prepare for the Marriage Supper of the Lamb
  • Harvest the Fruit of the Latter Rain
  • Follow Him as the Army of the Lord into His Glory

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